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I slowly regain my consciousness, the first thing I realize is that the air smells thick of disinfectant. I slowly opened my eyes to see my surroundings. It's a small room, its walls are made of stone bricks and a single window large enough to jump through, but despite the rather primitive structure it is pretty cozy, beside the bed was a table decorated with a few freshly placed chrysanthemum on a glass vase, beside it was a card and a table phone, room service number I guess. Beside the table a few feet away was a fireplace, it's not lit but at least shows that the facility does not get supplied with much electricity, on the other side was a door barely showing what's inside, I'm guessing it's the bathroom.

I sat on the bedside looking at the window trying to remember what happened, I realize I am in a hospital not a prison, but the walls sure give off the feeling of one. There I was looking at the sky until I notice a bandage under my shirt. I was shot? When? When I jumped at that thug? Yea most possibly, so wait, who's the guy with the helmet again? I remember I was about to ask that guy something but what? At that same moment I did not realize a nurse just entered the room bringing some food.

"Oh, you're awake, I'll just leave these here." she said as she put the tray on the edge of the bed.

"Excuse me but, do you mind telling me about how do I end up here?"

"A Glacier Mercenary brought you here while your unconscious, severe bullet wounds and blood loss. Oh and also he left that name card there telling me to remind you when you're awake." I looked at the card briefly then nodded.

"So does the doctor say when could I leave?"

"Well you could leave when you feel like it, oh and that guy already paid for your expenses."

Huh, generous, that's rare for a mercenary.


I decided to finish the food given by the nurse, then change to my outfit and left the hospital, I still don't remember what was I trying to ask the guy but whatever, I took the card and head to Geoffrey's cafe, it's 11am and the cafe was just opening, Geoffrey was lowering the chairs from the table.

"Oh, Mr. Midas, you feelin' fine already?" Raprinze asked, I nodded.

"Heard about your incident, thought you won't be coming for a while."

"Nah mate, the injury is not that serious."

"The news doesn't make it seem so."

"You're talking to a fellow soldier mate, also they got some thug bringing a gun so that is kind of a big news wouldn't you think?" He nodded.

"Though it surprises me how a thug could get his hands on a military grade weapon." I continued, Raprinze shrugged in response as if saying that it is not that surprising.

"Yavva's not exactly an advanced country, borders are lax, no wonder there would be a lot of black market operations for that sort of stuff." He explained, logical indeed.

We finished preparing the place and I sat on a bar stool in front of the counter.

"Anything I missed while I was gone?"

"Nothing much, though everyone was here yesterday, Ischyros was actually planning to visit you, oh and your girlfriend visited yesterday."

"Raz? How is she?"

"Talkative as usual, said she just returned from Batavie after hearing about what happened here. I'll reckon she'll visit again today."

"That's nice to hear, anyhow can you make me one of those Pletok Beers, the air seems rather chilly today."

Disorder: World of the WickedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora