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Chaos greets us upon exiting the lobby, as the car speeds through a rain of bullets, the glow of the dim headlights piercing the dark and dirty basement area, crashing through several cardboard houses denting the solid metal bodywork, loud bangs were heard from somewhere above as Azazel snipes out the incoming forces, while behind us, Mandrigal opens fire on the enemy forces. Soon though, we finally reached a chain link fence barring us from the crowded inner circle of the walled city, we passed through narrow gaps amongst the flimsy buildings, sometimes chasing through some wooden pillars or walls that are made from cheap rusted tin.

Seems we've moved too far ahead, let's wind it back a little.


My hand had stayed on the door's handle for quite some time. To be honest, I wasn't quite ready yet. The man known as Lee Victor has a penchant for all things grim, he was dishonourably discharged from the military due to a case of psychotic breakdown, well from his side of things, his team was ambushed while he was away, and in that very same squad, was his then girlfriend whom he had already proposed to, they both agree to marry once the deployment was over, the horrors he saw sent him into shock that gave the reason to totally annihilate a whole local village and making display figures out of their corpses. From what I heard, they didn't even finish off everyone in his camp, leaving his then girlfriend barely clinging to life.

If you had only seen his work back in Germany, you would have understood the sort of unease I felt right now.

But enough about that.

I readied myself, took a deep breath, closed my eyes for a second, then opened the door.

As I had expected.

By the door, there was a man lying on his face, his hands were tied above his head, what's surprising however, was how his back looked like.

Lee had made a Viking's Blood Eagle on the man's back; he was presumably still alive while being operated on. I'm not going to spare any details about the blood eagle, ask a friend, they may know a thing or two, although I do not recommend it, since the gruesome image would stick with you until your death.

To the left a bit, lying by the wall, was a headless man, he's leaning on the wall, but there's something odd about his decapitation, it's an unclean cut, like something had eaten his head. The answer shows itself a moment later, as above the wall he's leaning on, was a cage built into the wall, like a zoo exhibition. First it showed its hairy brown arms as it grabbed the corpse, hastily trying to drag it inside; when it failed, it then moved closer to the edge of the cage, revealing its body that was covered by shadows. It looks sort of like an ape/bat hybrid, fur covers its whole body, but it's face has some weird features, its jaws open into two parts on the lower one, covered with sharp teeth like those you see on a sea parasite, on its upper jaw, right in the middle sits two fangs curved inwards that were larger than any of its other teeth, presumably the canines. Its nose jut upwards, seemingly in the shape of a flower's petal -this part of its face, were the only part not covered in hairs. Its eyes were deep black, glinting in the low light, but compared to its other features, the eyes seemed like a miniature, like it doesn't belong on that face. Its ears were the size of a shoe, massive, as if used for echolocating, odd for a creature this large.

"The White Tiger, Lucky you didn't follow up on the plan of fighting everyone." Lee said snarkily, he sat on the boss's desk which had been turned sideways, bullet holes riddle its surface, these people probably thought that the movie cliche about hiding behind a desk is true, sadly for them, they are now singing with the dead. In front of the desk sat a blonde man, his hair, once tied in a bun, is now a mess. His left shoe is missing, his hands tied behind his back, and a bullet seemed to have pierced through his upper left arm. Kindern.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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