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The fight had been going on for at least thirty minutes. Both of us stood facing each other a few meters apart, both breathing heavily. It's easy to say that we both have the same skill level in combat. She loosened her fighting stance to a normal standing position, her sword in front of her. The effects of her flamberge sword had left my wrist feeling madly sore. The snake-like curve of the sword had made it hard to parry, leaving the opponents' blade vibrating in odd ways.

The dust slowly clears. I followed suit as she stood normally, I lowered my blade to my side, put one hand on the side of my mask, checked my smoke bomb reservoir, then clicked it on. A puff of dark smoke slowly embraced me as I slowly walked backwards into it. The lenses on my mask had been modified slightly so it could loosely see the heat signatures of others beyond the thickness of the smog. I threw my sword from my right hand to the left, then turned the other valve on my mask, producing even more smog, then threw the sword back to my right hand. Flinching as I caught it.

I saw her figure through the lenses tensing up again as I slowly walked to the side. I slowly sped up my pace to a jog circling the side, as the cat skull mask penetrated the smog, I could hear the announcer make a comment.

"Ah, the signature move of the Undead's Cat. Imagine seeing this on the battlefield folks! You would think that the reaper is coming for you!"

That is exactly the idea behind this mask, fear inducement. Appear to be the devil, then all men shall submit.

I lunged forward from my circling jog, she raised her sword, but I was actually aiming for the sword as a bouncing point as I pulled back to the smog, doing the exact same thing but in the opposite direction. I did this a couple more times until I thought that she would start expecting it, that's when I walked carefully towards her back. The announcer had gone silent as the smog now envelops the whole arena. I stood behind her for a couple of seconds, watching her move around, then as what I thought was her back faced me once again, I striked.


An uppercut towards the back of the helmet which made her turn around, followed by me swinging my blade downwards, moving her sword out of the way, then inched forward, my hilt is now in her neck, my left hand holding her right arm, I placed my right leg behind her left and pushed the hilt into her neck, causing her to fall. Still holding her right arm, I placed my right leg above her left arm which was holding the sword, my sword was aimed at her throat. Checkmate.

The smog slowly clears revealing the position, the crowd cheered.

"There you go folks! It appears that the cat had won another round, despite the evenly matched and a long winding fight! The Nexorcist appears to reign supreme!"


"That was a good match!" Mandrigal said to me as we walked towards our table, she looked at me as I kept shaking my wrist.

"Is your wrist alright?" She asked, I nodded as I stopped shaking it, acting as if I am fine.

We parted ways as we walked out the hallway, she went to the bar ordering some drinks while I went straight for my seat. Lee was standing beside the table overlooking the whole place, possibly observing, gathering data for the plan. Sarah was asleep with her head on the table, using her arms as pillows. I sat sagging on my chair as I let out a deep breath, trying to relax myself. Lee paced around for a bit then sat beside me, leaning his body closer to whisper.

"Security seems a bit lax as I see it, I think I might have a better plan compared to our original, I'll tell you when we're back in my house." He whispered. He then straightened his sitting position, then took a look at the piece of paper on the table, a couple more fights to go before we're on the clear.

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