Of Liars and Cutthroats

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Almost a year had passed I was on the track of some of the larger ops run by the Brigantines, I had to say taking a hobby of beating people up does take your mind away from the pain of breakup, not that I recommend it of course. At around this time, I slowly stopped going to the Café das Piloten, everyone had slowly parted their own ways as our leader Vyrox rarely came back due to the rising tension in the neighbouring kingdom.

The only buddies I was still in contact with was; of course; Hexlyt and Azazel, they often offer me jobs relating to hunting down Brigs who operate around the city smuggling drugs and trafficking human, what's odd is they never asked for a pay, I'm guessing they did took some of the drugs in secrecy as somewhat of a payment but I don't exactly care about that, the more crucial thing to me was to get the people out of the cages, they could do whatever they want with the drugs, sell it, use it, I couldn't care less, to be fair Azazel was one of the more fucked up member of our group but he was efficient nonetheless.

Soon enough the line of threads from these scattered smugglings reveal who and where they work for, an abandoned megamall located just a few kilometres away from Karriewej, the area is called Sukajadi, it retains its former name since the Dutch can't seem to take over the area due to the place being one of the few Brigantine Headquarters. Spanning one side of the road reaching from one intersection to the other was the megamall, on the other side were slums made out of former small shops, minimarkets, and abandoned homes. Infiltrating a massive base with just three people would be very difficult, I was hoping if we did succeed at this, I may somehow get closer to Glade in terms of work, then from there we'll work things out.

The base itself was too huge to do the same recon op as what we did in Dave's house, each of us would need to do fieldwork observing the place ourselves, dividing up the place into three areas, no earpiece since there would need to be a radio operator to receive the transmissions and it's too risky if someone were to find our temporary base of operations, Azazel took the east, I got the middle and Hexlyt covers the west, this would definitely take longer than the observation on Dave's house. We each would need to remember every turn and later map it out, then we combine the maps, estimated amount of guards on each area, and each shift's turn, of course this tactic wouldn't exactly cover some of the restricted areas that are enclosed or heavily guarded, so we mark these areas as points of interest.

The place was the spitting image to those you see in a dystopian slum of the futuristic sci-fi stories, well minus the cybernetic implants and cyborgs, though you would still find a bustling market of illicit weapons, drugs, and anything else, neon signs light up some parts of the absurdly crammed walkways, I'd say it's quite impossible to map the place quickly. also we've got no idea how this place has some electricity despite it being in an area untouchable by the government, I'm thinking they somehow siphoned some of the electricity through illegal cable networking or some shit, it's like a lost Eden, except its littered with trash and is very crammed. Dozens of houses are stacked above each other with some metallic rigging making up the roads among the upper floors, I think the whole slum extends up to five stories tall, it's quite impressive actually. The people here also made their own currency in cigarettes and weed, distancing themselves even further from the main community, though sometimes you would still see some Yavvan Leurs traded occasionally. The prices of the goods here are also a hell of a lot cheaper than what you would find in the local market, let's compare the current Yavvan Leur to the old money of the Indonesian's Rupiah, let's say that ninety Leur is roughly fifty thousand Indonesian Rupiah, commonly with that amount of money you could buy up to two cups of coffee or a pack of cigarette, here, you could get up to six cups or five packs of cigarette, all because everything is produced in house, cutting the costs or is a black market product which cut the tax costs. It is mesmerizing to see a society developing just right outside of your city. Though despite all that, entry was no simple task, you need to have a pass issued by the 'underlord' which would cost you up to three thousand Leurs, or just stay outside the settlement long enough as a homeless, and those who paid were being closely watched by the so called guards, and you don't want to mess with these 'guards' either, they are very violent and wouldn't hesitate to injure or kill any violators, not to mention that they're armed to the teeth.

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