The unconscious tears tonight

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Why would the sound of waves still draw tears
Why would the melody still call on the past
Wish I could bind this heart harder so it can never pause to feel such emotions whenever time stand still
I thought the busy schedule would drown those memories
That it hadn't had been able to reflect the wounded heart
That time will heal...
But all I see is the facade that I have put up
Torn when alone...

I pray hard that the tears can dry up
That never again shall this vulnerable heart appear
That moments of the past are kept at bay forever
That the hurt would heal permanently

Perhaps that's love deep that its grief is beyond repair
Still I pray that you are fine beyond here
I will be alright at least when time stand still
It brings me down to my knees to admit that I have yet to forget no matter how much I deny

Let me sleep over it, it will get better, it always does
Rest, let not my silent thoughts worry you
Smell the lovely flowers that greets you
Dawn will bring the sun out and these feelings will pass
Until our next well

In Another Time, I hope you are well truly Where stories live. Discover now