Lost notes from the past

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As I clear the space I wasn't aware
Why these tears could still trickle
As the piano sings into the night
Playing the incomplete notes from the past
That I stumbled upon

These lost notes ...i recall now was meant for you
It just didn't get completed on time
Time had passed, it was left tugged away
I couldn't bring myself to write more then
When all melody felt too painful

I found it back slowly
The flow that I've forgotten how to feel
The sun that I could not come to appreciate
When I had no answer from the grief

I learn to accept imperfection
And that we are all made to feel
And that it's fine to feel not alright when we aren't
That it is alright to cry at times
Even though the spotlight shines on us

And to find back what makes us smile
And live each day fully
As you've always wanted

I'll sing for us these lost notes from the past
And write your name on it
Thank you for giving me the strength
When I could not move ahead then

Your love was immenseful
Waking up the rest to understand
We are all humans at the end of it
I'll miss the quiet times together, I will
But life is bigger as we learn to live each day
Looking ahead and just making dreams come true

In Another Time, I hope you are well truly Where stories live. Discover now