Always with you, my little north star

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Little butterflies 🦋 gracefully greeting
Dancing through the window pane
Leaving magical trails, of sweet smelling flowers 🌹
Standing tall, spectators of love 💕

Lonely hearts whispering through the wind
Binding promises, lifted through by hopes
That tomorrow and the day after shall be better

Casted vision from the past
Still afresh like the start of time
Never fading ever searching
That our dreams will let us soar
Through what's left of each battle and war
Silent calmness force us to grow
Standing dignify holding true to our hearts

Let the storm makes its scene
Let the waves crash ashore
For in chaos sits calmness deep within
For in calmness the source of strength we find

Reflect where we can
Recalibrate as at when
Restore where we need
Rejoice when we can

The past gives us courage
The future gives us hope
Accepting and embracing
Learning to move forth

Discourage not by the weakened heart
For all that is the past has its unspoken reason
Hatred has no place where wisdom resides
Hurt and grief let it slide
For the wise takes a wider view
And that life is better lived and love will shelter all

When the light starts to dim
And that rain starts to pour
Like the night tears filled with endless misses
Let not it seep into your weakened heart

Cry and weep if you need but wake up standing tall again
For in darkness i have never left
Always here with you deep within

Keep me forever with you
Like the star of Earendil
Guiding us through the deepest pit
When darkness never seem to leave
Lighting up the night skies
Like the North Star that we have charted
Once upon a fairly tale

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