The Morning Sun

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If I could sail the world to declare my love, I will
If I could drum through the forest and wake each living creature to let them know how much I love you, I will
If I can engrave our hearts as one beneath the heavens eyes, I will

Waking up to the ray of sun that fills my day again
I smile at this unpredictable challenging yet at times fulfilling journey
Isn't it true that the harder it gets, the more we will cherish of the path ahead

And the wait never ends yet it's fills me up
Knowing you are always watching

The morning sun couldn't contain the happiness
It breaks through the dawn impatiently carrying our emotions
That love shall always be as pure and true
That we continue to protect past, present and future
To the bed of roses and hands of comfort around
Thank you is never enough
For it is through each hands of warmth and comfort
That the walk is made easier

May the fireworks continue to live on
And that our hearts will never be lonely
For in the wait lies a fiery passion
That each encounter may keep us going
As we yearn through other lonely night of misses
Let us cherish what we can as the sun smiles back

Let's start our day a fresh with many smiles to boast
Can't get enough of your warmth, ever grateful that you've always been here
As I always have as well

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