When i ran away then

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Because I was trying to find answers
Every chance to dive through the window out
I'll leap for it
Every flight I took was to unchain the heart
Yet I was afraid to return to the same place
All memories shattered just a walk on my own
Every corner that was built felt cold
On a winter night

When it was filled then with warm and laughter
Because I was afraid to sink deeper
Coming back home to the same place
That never felt the same without you I thought

And when i found the light out there
I ask could this last for this lifetime
Would you be alright
Would I fall into the same path
Yet I wish at times I could hold that moment
Prick that thought of yours and turn moments back

I know I'd say to lock the past and promise to walk chins up
But give me a moment to spare when at times the past revisit
And I ask could I have made it different would it be different now
Would we continue to built castles in the air
Should we be hand in hand, smiles at heart
Reality never is the same isn't it
It's alright, I'll be fine, just those moment in time
I'm stronger each day from your strength you've lend
I will be ... this lifetime isn't that far away

When we cross the bridge of next
Let it revive those happy moments
I've sealed them through waiting in time
Songs of love I'll create each one fine
I'll dedicate every beat to what we built
It's alright you will be fine and I'll be too

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