A Quiet Night

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The silhouette moon drew a shadow beneath
A lonely figure walking deep in thoughts
As the wind carries the whisper of this longing heart
That none can comprehend
Deeply in love yet hurt from the distance
My thoughts float to you in this quiet night
Wish the path could be different at times
Not wanting you to see my tears
Forcing a smile, drawing your face in my mind
Keeping your happy days in my heart
As I fall asleep, I feel your warmth on my pillow
My dreams come back and I'm alright
Running away finding you in it
Seeing you waiting on the other side
And the lovely butterflies that awaits us
As your hand reach out and your smile fills my heart
I feel at times I'd like to be here forever
Not waking up at all
That everything is perfect here
That time had no bearing and our lives are just us
And yet you kept this dream alive for us
To keep me going when the road is tough
And that I can always find you here
When the days are lonely and when no one can understand
How difficult it has got to
As behind this smile and tough shell
It is just the same me that look to you for comfort
And only you that I'd run to
I'd be strong for you, I hope you'd be for me too
The wind gets colder as you fade away
And I'm back here
Under the quiet silhouette lonely moonlight

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