Chapter 21

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Emma's POV
I can't believe that this day is finally here. I'm finally going to marry Brantley. Brittany is working on my hair and make up while I'm feeding Barrett. Caroline and Bri are helping each other get ready. "Are you nervous?" Brittany asks as she's finishing my hair. "Honestly, right now I'm fine. The nerves will hit when I start walking down the aisle." I say with a laugh. Caroline comes over and grabs Barrett and offers to take him to Mama Becky while I get my dress on. I'm sliding my dress on when there is a knock at the door. "Hold on just a second." I say as I'm getting my dress situated. I tell whoever is outside the door to come in. Kolby opens the door and stops in his tracks. "Wow, you look amazing. B is gonna fall to his knees when he sees you." I give him a big smile as he walks over and hugs me. "Not that I'm complaining Ko, but what are you doing here hanging with the girls?" I ask him. "Well, I couldn't let you walk down the aisle alone." I put my hand over my mouth and fought the tears back. "You want to walk me down the aisle?" "Absolutely. You are family now after all."

Brantley's POV
I just took my place at the altar with the minister and I'm watching as everyone walks down the aisle. I watch as the back doors to the house open and I see Emma standing there with Kolby. They start walking towards me and I can't stop the tears from falling. She looks so beautiful. They finally make it to the altar and I grab Emma's hand and lead her towards the minister. "You look beautiful baby." I whisper to her, tuning out the minister. "Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself." She whispers with a smile. "The bride and groom have their own vows. Brantley." The minister says, pulling me back to reality. "Emma, the night we met, I never would have imagined that we would be here. I had vowed to be single for life. The more that we talked and got to know each other, the more I knew that I wasn't going to be able to live without you. I fall more in love with you everyday. I can't wait to see what our future holds and I can't wait to watch our family grow even more. I thank God for choosing you to be the mother of my children. You and Barrett mean so much to me. I love you Emma Jade and thank you for saying yes."

Emma's POV
"Brantley, what started out as a fan girl crush, literally became a dream come true. I never imagined that you would be my happy ever after, but I'm so glad that you are. You have given me a beautiful life and a beautiful baby boy. I can't wait to see what our future holds. I look forward to growing our family even more. I look forward to growing old with you and sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch watching the sunset. Thank you for choosing me. I love you Brantley Keith." Brantley reaches up and gently wipes my tears. "After vows like that, I think my job is pretty much done." The minister says, causing everyone to laugh. We say our "I do's" and Brantley and I have the biggest smiles on our faces. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Brantley you may kiss your bride."

Brantley's POV
I miss Emma with everything I have. When we pull away, Emma and I make our way up the aisle. "Wanna sneak away for a minute before we have to take pictures?" I ask her. She nods her head and I lead her down to the music room. "I just want a minute to soak this in." I tell her closing the door to the music room. "I can't believe that we are married. I'm your wife." Emma says excitedly. I lean in and kiss her gently, just savoring the moment. "We really should head upstairs for pictures." Emma says as we pull away. "I know. I just need another minute with you first."

After we finish taking pictures, we make our way tot he giant tent for our reception. Everyone cheers as we walk in. Emma and I head to the dance floor for our first dance. I surprised her by recording her favorite song "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. As soon as she heard my voice come through the speakers, she started to cry. "Baby, you did that for me?" She asks looking up at me. "There is absolutely nothing that I wouldn't do for you." I tell her as I kiss her softly. We sway back and forth until the song ends and then we head over to our table to try and eat before the party continues.

Emma's POV
Today has been perfect. Everyone is lined up outside waiting for us to make our way to Brantley's truck to head to the airport. We have just finished changing clothes and B is carrying our luggage down the stairs. I walk up and wrap my arms around him from behind. "What are you doing baby girl?" He asks turning around. "Thank you for choosing me to spend your life with. And thank you for giving me the most perfect baby boy." I tell him and he leans down to kiss me. "I love you." "I love you too." "Let's go. I don't want to miss our flight." He says. "Cancun here we come." I say laughing and opening the door. We run out the door and everyone is cheering and a few are blowing bubbles and holding sparklers. I stop at the end of the line and kiss Barrett a million times and thank Mama Becky for watching him. Brantley does the same thing before helping me in the truck and running around to the other side. We wave one last time as we drive away and then head towards the airport to start our honeymoon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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