Chapter 3

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(One Month Later)
Emma's POV
It has been a month since the concert and since I've seen Brantley. I made sure that he had my number and we talk almost everyday. We have become very good friends. Although, I think things are changing. At least on my end. I can't get Brantley out of my head. I think about him all the time. I get butterflies when I hear his voice or see his smile. I sound like a high school girl. I feel like I need to talk to him about it, but I'm worried that it may scare him off. I decide that I need to call Brianna and get some best friend advice. "Bri, I need help. I need you to tell me what I should do." I tell her quickly when she answers the phone. "Emma, calm down. What can I do for you today?" She asks laughing. "Well, I told you awhile back that I'm developing a crush or something on Brantley right? I just need to know if you think it's a good idea to tell him." I say nervously. "Girl, yes you should tell him! Wouldn't it be better to say something now? Before someone gets too invested." I know that Brianna is right and I have to tell him now. "You're right. Tonight, after his show, when he calls me, I'll tell him."

It's almost 11:00 at night now, and I know Brantley will be getting off stage soon. I'm pacing back and forth in my living room, trying to figure out what I'm gonna say. I don't want to just blurt it out but either way, it's going to take him off guard. After what feels like forever, my phone starts ringing, and my nerves really kick in. "Hey B." I say answering the phone. "Hey girl, what's going on?" "Relaxing in my pajamas on the couch." I tell him, lying through my teeth, considering I'm still pacing. "How was the show?" "It went really well. Now I'm relaxing and waiting for the buses to start rolling." I hear Brantley yawn and I know that I have to tell him now. It's now or never. "B, can I talk to you about something for a minute?" I ask him nervously. "You know you can Em. What on your mind?" "I know that we haven't really known each other long, but I really like you. Like I don't just wanna be your friend. I want to see if we have something. I know that you normally don't go for waitresses and normal girls but..."

Brantley's POV
"I know that you normally don't go for waitresses and normal girls but..." "Hold on girl." I say, interrupting her rambling. "I'm glad to know that the feeling is on both ends. I like you too, and I wouldn't mind seeing where things go. But at the same time, it's going to be an adjustment." I tell Emma, smiling to myself. "My life is hectic and as you know, I'm not always around because I'm on the road." "I understand that. I'm willing to do it if you want to." She says nervously. "Well, then I guess I'm gonna have to take you on a date next time I see you." I say and hear her laugh. "I guess you'll have to." Emma and I y'all and goof off on the phone for a bit longer before we are both ready for bed.

(The Next Day)
I wake up the next morning with Emma on my mind. I instantly have a smile on my face. She was right last night when she said I don't normally go for girls like her. Emma is shorter and has a little more meat on her bones, but she's not fat by any means. When it came to Amber and Jana, they were both so skinny, that I was terrified I would break them in half. Emma, she is fucking gorgeous. I decide to get out of bed and take a shower before I text Emma. I'm thinking of asking her to fly out to my next show. It may be too soon, but I'm willing to risk it.

Emma's POV
I'm folding laundry and putting everything away when my phone starts ringing. I get a smile on my face when I see Brantley's name on my screen. "Hey B!" I say, answering the phone excitedly. "Hey baby girl. What's going on?" "Folding and putting away laundry." "Well, I have something I want to run by you." He says, sounding kind of nervous. "I'm all ears. Lay it on me." I tell him. "What do you think about flying out to my next show and spending the week with me?"

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