Chapter 2

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Emma's POV
I can't believe that I met Brantley Gilbert last night. I'm still in shock that he offered tickets and backstage passes for tonight too. I'm so excited. I get out of bed this morning, and I instantly remember that I need to call Brianna and tell her about tonight. "Hey Em, what's up?" Bri says answering the phone. "Bri, you are going to die when I tell you what happened last night." "This has to be good. So tell me what happened." "Ok so, I was working last night and I had this group of guys walk in. It was freaking Brantley Gilbert and his band!" I tell her excitedly. "You talked to them right?" She asks. "Um duh! Anyway, long story short, I got tickets and backstage passes for tonight. You can go right?" "Yes of course I can." Brianna says excitedly. I tell her to come over about 4:00 so we can get ready together and then we hang up. Now, I have to figure out what to wear.

(Later That Evening)
Brianna showed up a couple hours ago and we have been getting ready. Bri is putting my hair in natural curls and we are making small talk. "What are you going to wear tonight Em?" She asks me, spraying hairspray on my finished hair. "I have no idea. I have been thinking about it all day today and I can't make a decision." I say walking towards my closet. "Wear your green lacy dress with your brown boots. It will go really good with your makeup." "I totally forgot that I had that dress." I tell her with a laugh. I search through my closet until I find the dress, and I slip it on over my head  before sliding on my boots. Brianna looks up from doing her makeup and gives me a smile and a thumbs up. I walk over and help her with her hair so we can head out the door.

Brantley's POV
I'm walking from my bus into the arena, and I'm feeling excited for this show. North Carolina is always fun. I make it backstage just in time for prayer. I can't help but be distracted, because I keep thinking about the waitress from last night. She was all smiles but I could tell she is broken somehow. If she shows up tonight, maybe I'll get the chance to ask her. "Amen." We all say, and break the circle. I quickly get myself hooked up and bounce out on stage.

I'm making my way down the catwalk with my guitar for the acoustic part of my show. I sit down in my stool and I'm scanning the crowd. "She says, look baby I'm a rockstar." I sing, and that's when I see her. I see Emma in the 2nd row in front of the catwalk. I can't stop myself from staring at her the whole time I'm singing the song. When she realizes that I'm staring, she gives me a beautiful smile. I feel myself start to blush as I smile back. I'm trying to keep my cool as I start to panic. I'm not ready to date yet. Amber still has some of her stuff in the house. "Whoa. Slow down Brantley. You're only here for one night. There is no way you are falling for her in one night." I calmly tell myself. Even though I'm reassuring myself, I find myself excited for the snow to be over so I can talk to her.

Emma's POV
Brianna and I look on as Brantley puts on an amazing show. Once the show is over, Brantley's security guy, PJ, comes and leads us back to where we will meet up with Brantley after meet and greets. We are watching as the band guys come off stage, and Brianna squeezes my arm. "Em! I can't believe it. I'm standing 5 feet away from Ben!" Bri says, as Brantley's drummer, Ben, walks by. "You should go talk to him." I say with a smile. "No, I'm too nervous. What would I say?" I roll my eyes with a laugh as I quickly go and catch up with Ben. "Hey, you're Ben right?" I ask, gently grabbing the arm of the man with the mohawk. "Uh, yeah. Why?" Ben asks, clearly confused. "I'm Emma. I was your waitress last night." "Oh shit! That's right. What's up?" "My best friend Brianna thinks you're cute. Would you mind coming with me and meeting her?" I ask him with a hopeful smile. "Of course. Lead the way." He says following me to where Bri is standing. As I watch them hit it off, I see Brantley heading my way.

Brantley's POV
I finally finish my meet and greet, and I'm making my way to meet up with Emma. I round the corner, and I see Ben talking to her, and I'm assuming her friend. "What's up guys?" I ask as I walk up and stand next to Emma. "Hey BG. You remember Emma. This is her friend Brianna." Ben says, and I reach across to shake Brianna's hand and send a wink to Emma. "I'm going to shower real quick and clean up. Ben, will you escort these lovely ladies to the my bus?" As they walk off, I can't help but turn and watch Emma walk away.

As soon as I walk onto my bus, Ben stands up, grabbing Brianna's hand, and they head for the door. "We leave in an hour bro!" I yell after him shaking my head. "Thank God. They were being disgusting." Emma says with a laugh, and I hand her a bottle of water. "I'm sure you know everything there is to know about me, so tell me about you." I say to Emma as I sit next to her. "Well, my name is Emma Jade Harper and I'm 27. Born and raised in North Carolina. I like guns, hunting, and fishing. I lost both of my parents a few months ago in a horrible car accident, leaving me with basically no family. I'm an only child, and we didn't keep in contact with my dad's side of the family." I see her eyes tear up and I can't help but wrap her in a hug. "I'm so sorry about your parents darlin', but it sounds like we have a few things in common. I think we will be great friends." Emma and I talk more and are having a good time. Before I know it, the hour is up and it's time to pull out. She gives me her number and Ben and I watch as Emma and Brianna walk away.

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