Chapter 6

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Brantley's POV
I only have a couple days left with Emma before she has to go back home. I feel bad because I've been pretty busy this week and haven't spent as much time with her as I would like. I haven't heard her complain once. Right now, we are sitting on my bus, getting ready for the show tonight. I hear Emma and Brianna in the back laughing, and I can tell that they are up to no good. I walk back towards the locked door and knock. "Baby girl, I'm heading inside. I'll see you side stage." I say. "Ok. I'll be there in a few." I shake my head when the laughing continues and head inside.

Emma's POV
Brianna has been helping me get ready for tonight for the last hour. Brantley just told me that he's heading inside, so Bri and I are trying to rush to finish putting an outfit together. Brantley and I have both been nervous about taking the next step in our relationship sex wise. I decided that tonight is the perfect night to show him that it's ok. I'm ready. I have my hair down and super straight. Brianna did my make up and gave me dark red lips. I dig through my bag until I find the shirt I'm looking for. It's a lacy, see through, lingerie looking shirt and I'm in love with it. "Alright, are you ready to head inside?" Bri asks with a smile. "Yeah, lets go. B is gonna die." I say with a huge smile as I grab my leather jacket and head towards the front of the bus.

By the time Brianna and I make side stage, the boys are already on stage. We are standing side stage and I make sure that my jacket is unzipped and that B can see the shirt. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I keep waiting for Brantley to turn around and see me. He finally turns and sees me standing there and when he notices what I'm wearing, he looks me up and down and bites his lip. I can already tell, I'm in trouble when he walks off stage. I can't wait.

Brantley's POV
I'm in the middle of my show, and I look side stage to see if Emma Jade has made it yet. When I notice what she is wearing and I can't help but bite my lip. I've been holding back with her because I don't want to scare her off. I know that with that outfit, she is telling me that it's ok and that she's ready. I force myself to turn back to the crowd and finish my show. I can't wait to walk off this stage.

I just wrapped my snow and I'm walking off stage and getting unhooked, when I see Emma and Brianna off to the side talking to Ben. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. She leans back into me and I put my lips to her ear. "You've been teasing me with that outfit baby girl. That lacy shirt and those short leather shorts are killing me. I promise you that after my meet and greet, we will go to the bus. I'm going to do my best to turn the damn thing over." I kiss her quickly before winking at her and heading to meet and greet.

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