Chapter 20

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Brantley's POV
I'm sitting in the dark hospital room, holding Barrett, and watching Emma sleep. This life, is everything I imagined it would be. I have a beautiful, perfect wife, and the most good looking son I could ever ask for. Barrett is a spitting image of me, but he definitely has his mama's eyes. I look forward to doing all these firsts with Emma Jade. I'm humming softly to a sleeping Barrett, when I see Emma starting to wake up. "Hey there sleepy head." I say quietly with a smile. "Hey there. How's he doing?" Emma asks with a sleepy smile. "He's doing great. Sleeps through everything just like his daddy" I tell her with a chuckle. "The doctor brought the discharge papers in. She said as soon as you get up and ready, we can head home." "Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let's go home."

Emma's POV
(A Week Later)
We've been home with Barrett for a week now and I think we are all adjusting well. I wake up this morning to the sound of my baby boy's cries. I quickly hop out of bed and make my way to the nursery. I walk over and gently get Barrett out of his crib. I sit down in the rocker in the corner of the nursery and start to feed Barrett. I love having this bonding time with him. "This is one of my favorite views." I hear Brantley say from the doorway. "What are you doing up?" I ask him with a smile as he walks over and kisses me. "I woke up when little man started crying. I just had to come in here and make sure I wasn't dreaming. This still doesn't feel real." He says as he leans back on the crib. "I know right. I still can't believe it either." I tell him as I finish feeding Barrett and walk over to change his diaper. "It's still pretty early. How about you go get back in bed and I'll come join you as soon as I lay him back down." "Ok baby girl. I'll see you in there."

We wake up a couple hours later and we are just laying in bed talking and enjoying the quiet. "You are so beautiful." Brantley says leaning down to kiss me softly. "I don't feel very beautiful right now. I have to get used to my new body and my love handles." "That body you are having a bad time adjusting to, created our beautiful son. And hopefully it will carry many more of our beautiful babies." I looked at Brantley and smiled. "I love you." I tell him and I grab his face and pull him down to kiss me. "Hey, I have a surprise for you. Get up and get dressed. It will be here soon." B says, hopping out of bed and running to the closet to get dressed.

Brantley's POV
After Emma and I got dressed and got Barrett fed, it was finally time for her surprise. "Hey Em, will you come outside with me for a sec?" I ask her with a smile. "What are you up to Brantley Keith?" "Just follow me please." I say taking her hand and leading her out the front door. About the time we walk down the front porch steps, I see the truck pulling in, and I see Emma's surprise right behind it. "I think it's time for an upgrade." She looks and her jaw drops when she sees the brand new, blacked out, Chevy Tahoe sitting on the flat bed. "Oh my God baby! Why? I don't deserve this!" Emma says tearing up. "You are the mother of my child and you are going to be my wife. You deserve this and so much more." One the driver finally had the car unloaded , Emma makes a mad dash to check it out. "Thank you B. I love you so much." "I love you too baby girl." "Let's gets loaded up and go for a ride, what do you say?" "Let's ride."

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