Chapter 4

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Brantley's POV
"What do you think about flying to my next show and spending the week with me?" I ask Emma hopeful. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that. I would love to. I have to find someone to cover my shifts at work, but I'll make it happen." She says, and I can tell she is excited. "You do what you need to baby. I'll take care of everything else and I'll see you in a few days." "Ok. I can't wait." We hang up the phone and I can't help but smile to myself.

(4 Days Later)
Today is the day that Emma flys in to spend the week on the road with me. I'm nervous and excitedS I've sent PJ and Ben to go and pick up Emma and Brianna, because I didn't want to get mobbed at the airport. I had a radio interview to do anyway, so it worked out. I just walked back onto my bus and I'm greeted by Emma Jade. "Hey there outlaw." She says with a smile. "Hey pretty girl." I say wrapping her in my arms. When I pull away, I decide to take a chance, and put my lips on hers.

Emma's POV
When Brantley kisses me, I swear that if anyone else would have been on this bus, they would have seen the sparks. I'm pretty sure that my toes curled. We pull away and I can't help but smile. "Can we do that again?" I ask, and then mentally face palm myself. I can't believe I just said that. "You bet we can." Brantley says with a chuckle. I lean up on my toes and capture his lips with mine. Brantley starts to deepen the kiss, but we are interrupted by a pounding on the door. "Show time Boss!" PJ yells from outside. "I guess that's our cue to head inside." Brantley says, pecking my lips and grabbing my hand.

I'm standing side stage with Brianna, watching our men on stage. "Is this real life?" Bri asks as we stare at the stage. "I hope so. If it isn't, I never want to wake up from this." I say to her with a smile. The guys have just finished up on stage and they are making their way towards us. Brianna runs and jumps into Ben's arms, while I just kind of hang back and wait for Brantley. When he walks up to me, I get a big smile on my face. "Hey there handsome." "Hey beautiful." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly. "I have to grab a shower and head to meet and greet. Will you wait for me?" Brantley asks with a smile. "You bet I will."

Author's Note: Sorry it's a crappy chapter but the next one is Brantley and Emma's first official date!!! Yay!!!!

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