Chapter 1: Meet The Jeon's

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"Daddy-daddy-daddy. Look at me!" Claire shouts to her gorgeous father across the playground as she slides down the spiral slide. Jungkook smiles and waves at her. Across from him are all the young mothers ogling their eyes and smiling big smiles at the tall handsome father sitting on the bench.

Today was a beautiful morning to come to the park. It was lighly cloudy so the sun wasn't blazing. Claire had been begging to come to the playground for a few days now. Even Shadow their golden retriever welcomed the trip. "Hey take it easy boy," Jungkook tried to settle him. As he looked at his beautiful daughter, his mind wandered as he sat reflecting on his life and how he came to this point.

By age eighteen he had already graduated and received full honours at the University of Seoul, majoring in photography, videography and management of business. His parents were infuriated when he switched majors in his second year from studying Law to Technology. "This is not what I slaved and worked hard for, Jeon Jungkook. To have you waste your education on a hobby," his father yelled at him when they "discussed" his decision to change his life career.

Despite the quarrels and late night projects, Jungkook never regretted his decision to change his major and his choice of career. He however could not get away from his parents, mainly his dad's, match making skills as right after graduating they forced him to marry the daughter of a rich hotel mogul. Abigail Hilton was a rich spoilt daddy's girl who transferred into his business class the same year he switched his classes. Her father the owner of Hilton Hotels was looking to build a conglomerate of his business in South Korea. They moved from the United States bringing their two daughters Abigail and Christina with them.

Jungkook immediately realised that Abigail was attracted to him as their teachers kept them in the same groups for they were both considered newbies to the courses. Jungkook knew she was a pretty girl but because he wasn't going gaga over her like the rest of the guys around her, she found him appealing. Not to mention he was exceedingly handsome and all the girls wanted him. She constantly flirted with him and tried buying him expensive gifts which he always turned down.

Abigail was only doing the business courses because her dad wanted her to eventually take over his job. That displeased her. She complained about the boring classes and pointless assignments. Her lack of ambition and her conceited personality pretty much sealed Jungkook's mind about her. But she was adamant about getting her way at all times. Whatever or whomever she wanted, her daddy would get it for her, no questions asked or no rejections taken. After Jungkook had refused her many times for a relationship, she secretly approached both their families.

One evening after finishing a final group assignment Jungkook came home to his engagement party. He was pushed into the shower, dressed in a suit and sat down at their dining table to listen as his father and Abigail's father make the arrangements. Jungkook looked at his mother's face for help but her head was bowed down low.

"Our business is going down," his dad protested a few hours later when their guests had left. "This will ensure that our family is taken care of. You don't want your mother and sister to be put out on the streets now do you." Jungkook couldn't hold it in, "That's not my responsibility dad. You're the one who's supposed to be providing for us not me. You can't make me do this," but his voice wasn't heard. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You are going to marry Abigail."

Unfortunately for Jungkook, his father's word came to be for one month after they graduated Jungkook and Abigail were married. They lived in the penthouse of one of her father's hotels. Jungkook really wasn't into her and their first night together wasn't appealing for him at all. She literally jumped on him and took his virginity. She didn't even know that she was his first.

For two years he remained in the relationship being respectful, obedient and faithful to her. Even though there was no real love in his heart for Abigail, he treated her kindly. But his lack of interest in the flashy lifestyle she was living, dampered her attraction for him. "God, why are you so boring. Only going to work and taking pictures of dull places. You should be taking photos of me then maybe you'll become famous," and she laughed at him as she took her coat and went out the door.

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