Chapter 14: Accusations

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The next few weeks were interesting. Jimin accepted that even though they could only be with each other sometimes at the end of the day, he looked forward to it. Jungkook would come over and they would make love, eat an early dinner, make love again and then Jungkook would leave. "Parting is such sweet sorrow", he would say everytime he saw Jungkook's back walking away from him. He wondered how long they could maintain this. Jimin wanted more but Jungkook was very cautious about their interactions.

When Jina heard she was invited to the Canada trip, she organized to cut her present vacation short so she could accompany them in August. Before she left to go back to Seoul she told Jungkook about Claire's observations and conclusions about him and Jimin so Jungkook had a one on one with Claire. He was happily surprised by her thought process about their relationship.

He put her down to talk one evening, "So Claire, daddy would like to talk with you about Mr. Jimin and myself." Claire's eyes lit up, "Oooh is he going to be my second daddy? Please say yes." Jungkook was startled, "What do you mean by 'second daddy'?" And she explained, "My new best friend, Sophie, she has two daddies. She has Daddy Joonie and Daddy Jinnie. She told me all about them when I asked her about her mummy. I told her my mom died and she said she doesn't have a mom either but two dads. Is Mr. Jimin going to be my daddy too?"

She asked him so casually and her face was so elated but Jungkook had to be cautious as to what he was going to tell her. He didn't want her to tell anyone else either. "Well me, your daddy and Mr. Jimin, well we like each other. We like hanging out, talking and being around each other." She looked at him while eating her snack, "Do you love him? Like how Kristoff loves Anna?"

Jungkook swallowed his saliva, he couldn't lie to her either, "Well it's a little more than that but yes, I do love him." Her smile widened, "And he loves you?" Jungkook blushed in front of his daughter, "Yes, he loves me too." Hearing himself confess to his daughter made his heart and mind even more confident about his love for Jimin. He bent his head and smiled. Claire got up and took his face into her small hands, "Oh daddy, I can see that you're so happy cause you smile more now. You don't look sad anymore. And I am happy if you are happy," and she kissed his cheek and hugged him. Jungkook hugged his child and almost cried in her arms.

He told her about keeping it only between themselves because not everyone would like it. She couldn't understand but she agreed and asked when Mr. Jimin was coming over for dinner as he promised. Jungkook laughed, "He'll come soon baby. I'll ask him to come over soon," and she cheered and started talking about her stethoscope and how she wanted him to see it. Jungkook sat in amazement. If only everyone could be as open as Claire concerning their relationship. If only...


It was early July and it was the last week of school. The time came for the school's magazine photo shoot. Jungkook's team had come to Jimin's school to start taking out their pictures. He instructed them as to where to begin and gave the different groups different tasks. Jungkook did most of the landscaping photos while the others took the official class and individual staff photos. They took the class group photos on one day and individual staff photos on the last day when the students were out.

When it was Jimin's turn to take his photos, Jungkook made himself present. Jimin looked at him and started to blush. "Don't blush at the camera," the photographer said but Jimin couldn't help himself. Ms. Lee watched on as everytime Jungkook smiled and said something, Jimin blushed and laughed ruining the photo.

"Well look at that," another staff member commented behind her. Ms. Lee perked her ears to listen. "Who would've thought Mr. Park was into the CEO?" "I think they look cute together," said another staff member as Jungkook came up to fix Jimin's pose. "Yeah but what will the parents think about a teacher and a parent being together. Far worse that they're gay," the first teacher exclaimed. "Well it's no wonder Mr. Park kept refusing all of us, even Ms. Lee," said the other teacher. Ms. Lee turned around and they got quiet as they realised she was hearing them.

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