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The good thing about college was that there was so much work, one just didn't have enough time to overthink. James had filled Penny with a delirious feeling of hope — hope that she maybe, just maybe, could one day be with him. But whenever she started to think that way, Penny would fervently remind herself that if someone as gorgeous as Kate couldn't land him, how could she?

That month's magazine had also come out with the soccer team on the cover, and Penny had instantly snagged a copy. She decided that giving it to James would be the perfect excuse to talk to him again. But by the middle of the week, Penny began to notice that he was nowhere to be found. He wasn't there in sociology class, nor was he working in Mason's Café during his normal shifts. James seemed to have literally vanished into thin air. Even Chloe had noticed the change, and shared Penny's concern.

In the middle of one of her meetings with Sandra and the crew, Penny could no longer take the uncertainty, and with a rushed apology, fled the meeting running to the café. As expected, Debra was there, wiping the counter and sorting the cups.

"Hey, Debra," Penny waved at her.

Debra looked up and a wide smile split across her face, "Penny! It's been some time since you've visited. I missed you girl!"

"Yeah, sorry. It's just that I joined a club and I'm a bit swamped in work the last two weeks," Penny smiled sheepishly.

"No need to apologize. I'm glad you're enjoying your college time." Penny nodded and went over to give her a hug. It felt good to see Debra again. Although all the new developments in her life were very much welcomed, Debra provided a sense of normalcy.

"So — what's up?" she asked. And Penny gushed all about James's absence for the last week, and finally asked her if she knew anything regarding his whereabouts. With a look of concern, Debra supplied her with all she knew, and handed her his mother's hospital address.

❤︎  ❤︎  ❤︎

By the time she arrived, it was already evening. Lingering in front of the door, she began to second-guess her decision. What if James wasn't here? What if she had come all this way like a fool?

Just as Penny was contemplating whether or not to just leave, she saw the blurry silhouette of what looked to be James. In the darkness of the night, he looked more tired than she had ever seen him; his steps were slow and sluggish. In his hands were bags with what looked to be lunch boxes and bottles. Gradually, James seemed to notice her, and began to squint as he neared her.

"What are you doing here?" his voice was filled with fury.

Penny blinked, "Um — y-you were gone for a week so, so I was worried and —"

"How did you even know I was here," he demanded.

"Debra gave me the address," Penny managed to whisper.

"Did she tell you ...everything?"

Looking at his face, she could see how much it pained him to know she knew. It was no coincidence that he had hid his situation from everyone, including her.

Penny nodded.

"So why are you here," he yelled, "what are you doing here? What do you want?"

"I-I want —"

"What do you want Penny? To come here and laugh in my face? To see me at-at-at my lowest?" his voice shook with pain, "What are you looking for?" he barked.

"I- I," Penny stuttered.

"What do you want?"

And before she could stop herself, the words came tumbling out of her mouth and there was no going back...

"I want you!"

Her words hung in the air for what seemed to be hours, and the pain that had gushed out of his eyes stilled. Despite the melancholy expression on his face, for some reason, Penny didn't regret saying what she said. Her hands tightened around the fashion magazine that she held by her side, and she met his gaze. For once, she wasn't afraid.

And suddenly his lips were locked with hers. Penny stumbled back, disrupted by the momentum.

In that moment, the whole world fell away, and all that was left, was just them. 

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