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Penny patted on some concealer to cover the newly formed spot on her chin. She could feel Chloe dying to ask why she was dressing up on a Saturday. On most Saturdays Penny just snuggled in bed refusing to start working on homework papers. This Saturday was different.

"So where you going?" Chloe broke the silence.

With a small smile Penny turned around, "Promise you won't totally flip out?"


"I'm going on a date with James —" before she could even finish her sentence, Chloe's eyes were wide as saucers and an ecstatic grain imploded on her face.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" she screeched, and ran over to Penny, shaking her shoulder ferociously. They laughed together and Penny marveled how surreal the whole situation was. How could she of all people end up with James? She involuntarily smiled again and dabbed on a bit of lipstick.

"What are you doing on your date?"

"Ice skating," Penny said.

"In that case, this won't do," Chloe gestured to Penny's outfit, "you have to wear a skater skirt! It will go so well with your makeup." She ran into her closet and tumbled about for a few minutes before tugging out a beautiful white skater skirt. Penny nodded her thanks as she accepted the item, smiling to herself. Looking in the mirror, Penny almost couldn't recognize herself. Gone was the scrawny, awkward, and pimply girl that was afraid of everything. In her place stood a woman flushed with happiness and hope for the future.

❋  ❋  ❋

They got their skates and walked to the edge of the rink. Penny had long discovered that she was unathletic and so was a bit nervous to give ice skating a try. When she had agreed to being James's girlfriend and he had offered to take her to skate, she was too excited to suggest a different activity. Looking at the slick icy surface now, she slightly regretted her decision.

"Ready?" he asked. Since they met up ten minutes ago, there was already an awkward tension in the air. It was unlike their usual relaxed dynamic and it was also very unlike him to be anything less than at ease. Penny nodded. He effortlessly slid onto the ice but Penny glanced at her feet wearily, wobbling onto the surface.

She spent the next few minutes clutching the side railing and praying that she wouldn't embarrass herself in front of him and all these people. Penny sucked in a breath and tried to let go, inching forward, but that was when her right leg lagged and she slipped. She instantly cringed her eyes, expecting the feel of hard ice on her back, but instead was met with warmth. Only after a few moments did she open her eyes and she saw that James had caught her in his arms. His face loomed over hers.

"Are you alright?" he looked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Penny was a bit breathless.

"Here, hold on to me. I'll guide you around." He extended his arm to her and she clamped onto his arm before she could slip again. Their bodies were close as they skirted around the rink and she couldn't help the smile blooming across her face. He smelled nice. He smelled like he usually did: fabric softener and clean sheets (probably from the hospital). As he practically dragged her around the rink, she could feel the hardness of his forearm and his muscular form. Slowly her eyes drifted up to his lips and she began to wonder if he would kiss her again? She definitely wouldn't mind that. It would be the perfect compensation for suffering through ice skating. Just as her eyes were locked onto his lips, he turned around to look at her and she instantly looked away. Penny could only hope he hadn't seen her staring, but the smirk on his face told otherwise.

"I'm a bit tired, could we take a break?" Her legs were aching. James nodded and began steering them in the direction of the opening. When they finally found a bench James left her and walked to a food vendor. He came back with two cups of milkshake and set it by the side. Penny tried her hardest to wrench her sore feet out of the blasted skating shoes but her numb fingers were having a hard time working.

"Here, let me," he said gently. Before she could protest, James bent down and began working on the laces. His large form crouched and stooped low before the tiny shoes was almost comedic. Penny noticed how tenderly he removed the shoe. "Still hurts?" he asked. She gave a weary nod. He pulled his puffer jacket off the bench and padded it under her foot.

"Wait, don't. It's going to get dirty," Penny gushed.

"It's fine."

"I'm ok, James. I don't need it," Penny reassured.

"It's fine," he repeated firmly. Their eyes met. He was still crouched with the watery skating shoes and a lock of black hair curled around his forehead. Penny smiled and laughed. How had she gotten this lucky to have him as her boyfriend? Surprising even herself, she leaned forward and rested a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I'm one lucky girl."

"I'm one lucky guy," he said without hesitation. 

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