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James looked a mixture of confusion and — embarrassment?

To Penny's great surprise, his face was flushed red. Could it be that he too also thought of their kiss the moment he saw her? She glanced down at the bedsheets, not sure what to do or say. Thankfully, Florence broke the silence.

"James! What a nice surprise."

"What do you mean. I always come on Wednesdays," he paused and nodded at Penny's direction, "shouldn't she be the surprise."

Florence was still holding the mirror in her hands and that was when he noticed the difference in his mother's complexion; the healthy flush of her cheeks and the clarity of her eyes. Instantly, he flew to his mother's side and urgently examined her face.

Then he swung his head and glared at Penny, "What did you do to my mother? Are you crazy? What if these chemicals worsen her condition," he practically growled. Penny shrunk back in fright, never had she seen James so worked up. Nothing ever seemed to bother him — this was definitely a first.

"James," Florence said softly, gently patting his shoulder, "I'm fine. It's just makeup, and I asked Penny to do it. Besides, don't I look beautiful again?" and when a smile so genuine and sweet split across her face, even James's rage simmered down. At close proximity, he saw that she did look beautiful, but more importantly, she looked healthy again. He glanced at his mother's beaming smile; she looked happy again. With a relieved sigh, James motioned for Penny to follow him out of the room.

"Where are you two going?"

"Mom, just take a nap. We're just discussing some — um, school stuff," he said, as Penny trailed after him.

Florence smiled a knowing smile and watched as the two disappeared through the doorway.

❋    ❋    ❋

James had brought Penny to the next door sitting room. The space was filled with cream sofas and plush cushions. There were vases of flowers everywhere and the room smelled clinically clean. Awkwardly settling down into one of the seats, he beckoned for Penny to sit as well. She wearily slid into the opposing chair and shifted uncomfortably, feeling his analytical gaze on her. For a few moments he just sat, seemingly lost in thought, before he looked up, and spoke.

"I'm sorry for overreacting earlier."

"It's fine. I get it," and Penny really did. She could imagine all the limitations that came with being ill, and didn't really mind his overprotectiveness. She would have done the same if it had been her own mother.

"I also want to say," he paused meeting her eye, "th-thank you for doing that for my mom."

This surprised Penny, she didn't think of what she did as particularly grand, "Oh, don't worry about it. No biggie."

"No," he insisted, resting a hand on her arm, "Thank you, Penny."

And it happened again. The same feeling of what could have been settled in again, and the memory of their kiss shot through her thoughts. The darkness of the night, his sighs, the warmth of his presence — and the touch of his lips.

This time Penny was absolutely certain that there was an unexplainable attraction. He felt as she did.

But before anything could happen, he broke away from the trance with nervous eyes. To smooth the awkwardness of the situation, Penny broke out in a strained chuckle, somewhat grateful that there was something to fill the silence.

"Uh," she scrambled to remember what they had been talking about, "Um I thought you didn't like me doing her makeup?"

"Yeah, but it's been a long time since I've seen her look so healthy," he paused, his eyes wistful, "it's been a very long time since I've seen her look so happy."

It was at that moment that Penny pieced together the pieces of the puzzle. His mother's hollow smiles, James's tired eyes, and his recent absence, could it be —?

"I don't want to offend you or anything, but is she ... depressed?" Penny asked softly, trying to inject as much empathy into every word.

His eyes lifted to meet hers, and with a tired smile he nodded, "It's pretty recent. I should've seen it coming. Who would feel happy trapped in a white box all day? Surrounded by strangers and plastic flowers? It's why I-I've been gone recently. I had to work extra hours to even afford this new hospital."

"Why did you move her here?"

"I don't know? I don't know how to help with her depression besides taking her to a therapist. We're doing that already, but it doesn't seem to be working, so I thought maybe a better room would be good for her."

Was it possible for Penny to admire him any more than this moment? She realized at that moment that beauty truly was so malleable. Sure he looked beautiful when he modeled or when he played soccer, but the kindness of his heart and the strength of his soul made him incomparably beautiful to Penny at that very moment. She glanced at him as he rubbed his hands together, lost in thought again. He stared into space and continued rubbing them together. Looking at his hands, she saw how calloused and cut they were, and her heart skipped a beat. At that very moment, Penny was willing to do anything to alleviate the pain in his heart. She wasn't sure where she got her blind courage, but reaching into her bag she drew out a bandaid. Penny gestured for him to move closer, and ignoring his confused looks, gently unfolded it.

Gently, she pressed the bandaid against one of his cuts and met his eyes. She couldn't read them, but that was fine.

"Her happiness matters, but so does yours. I want you to be happy, James." she whispered.

And they drew closer. 

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