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Dream ends up driving home after being with George for the morning. 

**3 hours before the party** 

(George gets a text message)




"Do you need a ride to Wilbur's house? Your know for the party."

"Yeah ig you can drive me"

"Ok ill be there at 9 to pick you up"

"Ok. Bye"




Although there was so much going through Georges head, all he could think about was Dream. His chiseled face and hot tan body was always so seductive.

For once he wanted to try and look cute for Dream, he decided on wearing Dreams big hoodie he left over at his house a few days ago. Short shorts and black long socks that go up to his thighs. For once he wanted to be a tease for Dream.



Dream never cared of what people thought of him. He only cared about George. He slipped on a white-t and black jeans, and headed out the door to go pick up his boyfriend.



Dream rolled up to Georges house and nocked on the door to see his mom answer. He greeted her and saw George walking down the stairs. He almost got hard seeing him in his own hoodie that was to big for him and not being able to see if he was wearing shorts or not....

"Hey." George said walking down the stairs running to hug Dream.


"Ok mom I'm spending the night with Dream after the party. Love you byeee." George said closing the door behind him and Dream holding his hand. "I didn't know you were spending the night." Dream said with a smirk.

"I know." George said going up on his tippy toes and giving Dream a peck on his cheek, they hopping in the car. Mean while Dream was blushing as he started up the car and let George handle the music. Playing the playlist they used a day or two ago with the same song the started making out to. 

**Heat waves**

Dream quickly turned his head to George whilst he was staring out the window and returned to looking at the road smiling while driving.


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