the end

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**3 years later Dream and George have dated for about 4 years now and Dream has a surprise**


Another day he woke up next to George in their tiny college dorm with just enough space for them. 

(They both attended Norco collage)

"Good morning~~" George said turning around face to face with Dream both lying on their sides. "Good morning." The taller one responded sitting up  stretching his arms out. And around the smaller boys body, giving his a tight hug with a kiss on the forehead. 

They got up and headed out their dorm to meet Sapnap and Karl kissing outside of their door, as it seemed as they were waiting for them. "Wow do you mind getting out of our hallway and maybe think of  getting a room?" Dream said locking they door behind him turning back around to face the two boys. 

"Your just jealous." Sapnap said releasing the kiss from Karl and spinning him around to look at the other ones. "Mmm hmmm. How much you wanna bet?" Dream said pulling Georges shirt up to his chest kissing his lips.

When Dream let go he smirked at George blushing and turned to Sapnap smiling. Leaving Sapnap rolling his eyes. 

"Ok.Ok.Ok." Sapnap said grabbing Karl's hand pulling him down the hall as they took the elevator out of the collage. Dream and George holding hands walking behind them exchanging giggles and laughs. 

They made it out of the collage and into and uber. Today they were going to Tubbo and Tommy's dorm across campus to hang out with everyone. 

Before Karl could speak up and ask for the driver to put on music a song played on the radio 

~~sweater weather~~

"I KNOW THIS SONG!"  Karl said as he shot up and started singing. The other boys were laughing Sapnap giggling and humming the song. After the song was over and the driver signaled that they arrived they got out.

They got to Tubbo and Tommys dorm  payed the driver and walked in. Karl still humming the song and Sapnap gave his a peck on the cheek. Dream and George walking infront holding hands as George had his head layed down on Dream shoulder. They went up to their room and saw the door open and high pitched screams. They all looked at each other as they started running at a slow pace towards the door. 

Dream walked in with George still holding his hand they were greeted by Bad and a new member of their friend group. His name was Sak but everyone called him Skeppy from his gamer tag. He always played some game called "Minecraft" Dream has played it before with everyone, he really liked the game and saw it in his future. 

"Hi guys." George said with a smile letting go of Dreams hand and picking up a controller from the couch playing a game on the tv. 

"Hey George." Wilbur said not looking away from the game. 

Tommy walked into the room coming out of his where the screams were coming from and with a bunch of girls to which caught everyone off guard. "Tommy... why do you have a bunch of girls..." Wilbur asked looking up fixing his hair. "Oh because I wanted to set uz up Wilby." Tommy said with a grin throwing one girl towards Wilbur and another towards Tubbo. The one he threw at Wilbur had pink short hair and was very short compared to him. She also was holding a little shark in her arms as she looked up at Wilbur smiling. 

"I'm Niki." 
"I'm Wilbur but you can call me Will." Wilbur said taking her to the couch to set her down as he walked over to Tommy his girl had already ran off as did Tubbos. "Why did you give us girls?" Wilbur asked Tommy with a mad but weird expression on his face.

The Bonfire (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon