caught (part two)

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The front door flung open to see Georges dad as angry as ever standing there looking at Dream.

"I'm so sorry Clay..." George said with his eyes watering.

"What?......" Dreams eyes looked to the door opened and George dad looking at him then back to George.

"I know damn well I didn't raise no queer...." 


"I'M SO SORRY DAD-" Before George could finish what he was saying His dad slapped him across the face sending him to the floor. Dream found out what was happening and punched Georges dad in the face hitting him to the ground.

Georges mom walked up to them after hearing screams and thuds.

"Hey come here Georgie it's going to be ok walk into your house and sit on the couch ok?" Dream said taking his mans lightly by the arm and taking him inside sitting him down on the couch.

"Fu..." Dream ran to Georges room grabbing a bag and stuffing Georges stuff in it packing it away in his backpack.

"Dream?" George stood at the door resizing what he was doing. 

"Dream its ok you don't have to do this-"

"No Georgie your coming with me your not treated right here." George blushed and ran into Dreams arms hugging him tight.

"I love you george~~" Dream said holding him up and walking out the door. Out of the house and in the car.

He dropped George in the passenger seat and his stuff in the back, driving away from his terrible home.

"George listen....." Dream started as he grabbed Georges hand.

"I love you and I saw that your dad didn't approve. I don't care it had to be done Georgie, i could see that he wasn't treating you right....." 

George grabbed Dreams hand tighter holding on to him like he didn't want to let go. 

"I love you to Clay" "Thank you for saving me." 

George kissed Dream on the cheek as he was driving off to Dreams house- well their house now.


 George woke up to dream lightly tapping his shoulder indicating to get up out of the car. 

He lead him into his house quietly as Dream took him to the basement. 

"Doesn't look to bad hmm?" Dream said looking around.

George rubbing his eyes adjusting to the light.

"Yeah it isn't to bad." The basement was huge, it had two beds, a bathroom, two desks and chairs to go with. Dream set George down on one of the bed tucking him in. 

**2 hours later**

*thud* "OW!" Dream screamed which woke George up. It was 2 am and he looked around.

Dream had made the basement into a whole hang out just for him. **hes so nice** George thought as he remembered his boyfriends scream. He looked around then he saw Dream on the floor. 

"What's wrong!?" George asked concerned. 

"I stubbed my toe." Dream said wheezing George also laughing.

"Hey did you see what I did?" Dream asked standing up.

"Yeah thank you~~"

Its for us>" Dream chimed in as he saw Dream stuff in the room.

"I love it" George said hugging Dream tightly.

"Ok roomie~~~ better get some sleep tomorrow we have school."

"Ughhhh school" George said whining. "It's our first day George you'll be fine."

 "You have me>"  Dream said kissing George on the lips.

"Good night."

"Ummm.. Dream?" 

"Come cuddle." George said laying down in a ball form.

dream walked over and kissed George o the forehead as he layed down spooning him.

"I love you George."

I love you to Clay."

As they drifted asleep.

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