ChapterTheThird: Why is my brother here?

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A/N: The timeline and dialogues will differ A LOT in this chapter. But, the thing to look forward this chapter: Well, it's Sirius and Regulus's reunion. The Boyz are back! Need I say anything more?

The Conversation

"What do I need to know?" Regulus asked Dumbledore. They were seated in The Three Broomsticks, 2 weeks before the start of the year, talking in low voices. "2 things. First," Regulus leaned forwards. As he wasn't getting The Prophet, the only news he got was by way of Dumbledore. Dumbledore continued, "There was a breakout from Azkaban." Regulus raised an eyebrow, impressed despite himself. "Who's the bravely stupid person?" Dumbledore pushed the Firewhiskey towards him. "Take a swag. It will help." Regulus watched Dumbledore curiously as he took a sip of his Firewhiskey. When he had, Dumbledore kept his eyes fixated on Regulus's face and spoke, "It's someone you know." Regulus said impatiently, "I know many Death Eaters, Dumbledore. Cut the suspense." "All right." Dumbledore said simply. "The 'bravely stupid person' is Sirius Black.'" Regulus choked. "What the-?" he said. "Bloody- Is that-What-I?" Regulus stuttered. Dumbledore merely smiled. "Take your time. But, it is true." After nearly an hour of Regulus staring into space and muttering to himself, he finally calmed down. Regulus took a deep breath. "And what's the second news?" "Well," Dumbledore said, "It is said that Sirius will come to Hogwarts. " "Yeah, because he was so attached to Hogwarts when here." Regulus interrupted sarcastically. Dumbledore ignored this interruption. "To kill Harry Potter." "Why does Sirius need to kill Harry?" "Remember," Dumbledore said, "People think Sirius Black was a secret Death Eater." Regulus gave a dry laugh. "People got the wrong brother, then." "You are not a Death Eater, anymore." Dumbledore said firmly. Oh, Dumbledore. You do believe in me. "And because he is coming here to Hogwarts.." Dumbledore continued, "The Ministry has stationed Dementors at Hogwarts." Regulus choked again.

Though he had never been to Azkaban, nor faced Dementors, they were everyone's worst fear. To have your soul sucked by them. Regulus shivered. What could be worse than that? But the answer came to him. When no one trusts you. When your people lose faith in you. Turn against you. "What are you thinking about, Regulus?" Dumbledore asked. "Dementors." Regulus answered truthfully. "You were saying?" "I was saying, that, I am sure, you remember your brother's friends?" "How could I forget?" Regulus replied, thinking of Potter. "So, you remember Remus?" "Lupin? The werewolf? Yes, I vaguely do. Why?" "Well, he is coming to teach Defence Against The Dark Arts. Oh, here's Lucius." "What?" Regulus hissed, his brain not processing so much information at once. But Dumbledore had Apparated as a voice at his shoulder said, "Well, well, well. Regulus Black." Regulus turned around. "Malfoy." He ground between his teeth. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask of you the same." Malfoy said. "I.. I, uh.. fancied a drink." Regulus said weakly. "What about you?" Lucius smiled widely. "I, too, fancied a drink." But Lucius looked at him Regulus with suspicion before going up to the counter.

Lupin: The chats about the good ol' times

"Hello, there, Remus." Regulus called out, standing in front of The Great Hall. Remus stood frozen for a moment, blinking. Then, his voice a little hoarse, he said, "Sirius?" Regulus sighed. He should have expected this. "No. I am Regulus." Remus seemed to come to himself. "Oh, yes. Sirius is on the run. I am sorry." Regulus waved him off but Remus continued with his apology. "The thing is, I just saw Harry on the train, so.." Regulus understood. "It's unnerving how much he looks like James, isn't it?" he asked quietly, lifting Remus's trunk over his shoulder. "Ow! Damn." Regulus said, for he had fallen back. "What the hell is in this trunk? Rocks?" Remus smiled. "No, actually. It's Defence Against The Dark Arts materials. I can carry it." "You would have to." Regulus muttered. Remus chuckled. "And it's unnerving how much you are like Sirius." There was awkward silence for a while in which students went inside the Hall. Finally, "Thanks." Regulus said, blinking fast. "Remember the time when you guys set fire to the Potions classroom?" "Of course I do." Remus replied. "They only got out of detention because I was a Prefect." Both of them were silent on the way to Remus's office, reminiscing about the good old days.

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