ChapterTheFourth: The Triwizard Tournament

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A/N: There will be slight changes to the order of events. But the thing to look forward to this chapter: Regulus's interesting backstory.

Karkaroff the BARKaroff

Regulus was staring at the man directly in front of him. A muscle twitching in his cheek, Regulus said, "Karkaroff.' Karkaroff nodded. "Regulus." No one said anything, the tension palpable, until Dumbledore interrupted cheerfully, "Regulus, show Karkaroff to his lodgings, please." Regulus, who was not at all eager to spend another minute with the Death Eater, gave Dumbledore a pointed look. "Dumbledore, the Durmstrangs' are going to stay in the ship. There's no need." But Dumbledore said, "Oh, but it's good manners to escort your guest to the door." Regulus rolled his eyes. Being a spy is really taking its toll. "C'mon Karkaroff." Regulus muttered unwillingly. "I'll escort you to the door." 

While they were walking, Karkaroff asked the question which Regulus was dreading. Karkaroff looked around, then lowered his voice down in a conspiratorial whisper. "The Dark Lord is rising. You have felt it, haven't you?" Regulus nodded. He had. For the past week, his Dark Mark had been burning non-stop and that had caused for some gasps and winces in the middle of the class. Karkaroff said nothing; they had reached the entrance to The Hall.  

"Will you go to find the Dark Lord?" Karkaroff asked as they reached the ship. Regulus stiffened. "I don't know. It depends on Dumbledore." Karkaroff turned towards him in anger. "On Dumbledore?" "Yes." Regulus said calmly. "I'm here at this job, as I am sure you know, on The Dark Lord's orders. He expects me to gain Dumbledore's trust. So, if I go on Dumbledore's orders.." Regulus trailed off, the rest understood. Karkaroff wagged a finger at him. "You are smart, Regulus. I'll remember that." Regulus gave him a forced smile. "All right, then. I bid you goodbye. " After a pause, "And hope to never see you again." Regulus added under his breath.

 He waved him off with relief and turned back. "Merlin's Beard!" he shouted, finding himself face to face with Barty Crouch. "What in the world are you doing here, Barty?" Regulus asked, composing himself. Barty smiled a grim smile. "I am one of the judges of the TriWizard tournament." Regulus cursed. "Are you kidding me? You?" Barty smiled, showing his teeth. "Yes, me. Got a problem?" "No." Regulus said hastily. "Of course not. Now, I have some work I desperately need to do." "Not so fast." Barty said, throwing out a hand to hold Regulus back. "What?" Regulus growled. "I actually wanted to warn you. Moody is coming." Regulus asked, "Mad Eye?" Barty nodded. "Be careful." "Why would I-? Never mind." Regulus said, as Barty walked away. 

The Triwizard Tournament

Regulus stared at the wall, unwilling to make eye contact with Karkaroff, who was eager to do so. Someone nudged him and he looked around. Barty was giving the Triwizard speech now. Concluding, more like it, Regulus thought as Barty finished his speech a minute later, saying that minors were forbidden to enter. Regulus smirked slightly to himself, his mind going to what Sirius would say. Just then, The Great Hall rumbled and the sky above shook. "The hell is going on?" Regulus murmured, drawing his wand out of his cloak. Lightning shook The Great Hall. Regulus muttered a curse just as a man entered The Great Hall. "Who the heck are you?" Regulus didn't mean to shout out loud but he did. The man entered the Hall, the light illuminating his face into sharp relief. "Mad Eye Moody." Regulus let out a breath. "Regulus Black." Mad Eye returned. "Dumbledore," he continued, "And Barty." Barty looked displeased. "Well, Mad Eye, quite the entrance you made." Mad Eye just stared ahead, his glass eye revolving here and there. The Great Hall was full of murmurs and whispers. Finally Mad Eye said, "Dumbledore, I need to talk to you. Now." Regulus stifled a laugh at the look on Barty's face. Mad Eye was a lunatic, people said, but to ignore Barty Crouch Jr., he must be a madman. 

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