Eighteen// Friend Zoned

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January 25, 2014


It's my birthday today. I'm nineteen years old. 228 months. 6,935 days.

But I feel the same. Not any wiser or taller. But, it's gonna be a good birthday because Aspen makes everything fun. And plus, the water park wasn't bad either.

"Happy birthday Cal! Have fun being alooone with Aspen!" Michael laughs. He's the last one to leave. Luke and Ashton just left so I could be alone with her (the dicks), but Michael actually has plans. I guess that girl at the music store, her name is Taylah I think, is his girlfriend now.

"Yeah thanks." I roll my eyes. Once he's out of the flat, I check the time. Its still an hour until Aspen's expected so I decide to hop in the shower and wash away the water park that's lingering on my slightly burned skin.

I use body wash everywhere, scrubbing off the remnants of today's activity. It was really fun, even though we were splashing around in water that hundreds of people have been in. The tidal pool, the wave pool, all those things you do at a water park were super fun especially with my mates.

I shut off the water and wrap a towel around my bottom half. When I start pulling skinny jeans up my legs, there's a knock at the door. I have to run shirtless to get it.

If its Aspen, she's early.

Like I guessed, Aspen stands in the doorway, holding a present bag in her hands.

"You're early." I chuckle and scratch the back of my neck that's still wet because of my damp hair. My semi curly mop most likely looks like shit at the moment.

"No. You told me seven right?" She stares at me like I'm crazy.

"Well, yeah but its only..." I turn around to look at the time on the oven. "Exactly seven."

How long was I in the shower?

"I'm on time." She boasts and hits my chest that's also still a bit wet.

"And I'm still not ready. Sit down or do whatever, I need to put a shirt on." I laugh and dash back into my bedroom to throw on a tank top. I grab the damp towel from my floor and quickly rub it on my hair to dry it a little. Trying to make it look good, I run my fingers through my waves to shape it while I trot back into the living room. Aspen sits on the couch, typing away on her phone. She quickly puts it down when she notices my presence in the room.

"Sorry, I lost track of time I guess." I laugh and plop myself down on the couch next to her.

"Never mind that. Happy birthday, chummy." She laughs and drops the bag into my lap.

"I told you not to get me anything." I shake my head, giggling in excitement.

"I tend to not listen to people. Open the card first."

There's an envelope on top of all the tissue paper in the bag. I grab it and rip through the paper, pulling out the colorful store bought card.


Happy 19 birthday. I'm really glad we're friends again and we can do shit like going to McDonald's at midnight together.

Well, I don't think we're just friends. I think we're best friends. Its like old times again. But now we're both old, especially you. Can't wait to spend your nineteenth year and years after this being your chummy.

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