Twenty Four// ChildHOOD

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February 22, 2015

(Its Grandma Lil's birthday okk. Ignore the last chapter and what was said.)


As soon as Chloe and I get to my childhood home, I smile. I haven't been here in a while, and the re are so many memories that took pace in this house. All the Christmases, all the play dates Calum and I had, all the nights that I slept in Chloe's room. This house is so important to me (even though there are bad memories as well). I only spent my whole life in it up until I turned eighteen.

"Who's car is that?" Chloe nods to a strange car parked in front of our house. Usually when we have a little party at our house, its just the aunts and uncles and cousins and stuff. But, this car is unrecognizable, unlike the other cars in the street.

"Let's just go inside and see." I say while unbuckling my seat belt. Chloe follows behind me as I walk up the pathway lined with little stones to the door, checking to make sire its unlocked before pushing it open. The first person I see sitting on the living room couch is Calum, next to my grandma, who's wearing a pointy cone birthday hat. There's a big smile on his face as he laughs at something someone says, the skin by his crinkling up like the rolls on my stomach, a goofy chuckle exiting his lips. It makes me smile.

"Hey!" He smiles once he sees me, and then steps up to hug me, and then Chloe.

"Hi." I reply, and then greet everyone else who's in the living room with a hug

Joy approaches me from the kitchen and pulls me into a hug. Pulling away to see me face, she sighs, looking me over.

"Oh, honey I haven't seen you in forever." She smiles, her eyes crinkling up just like Calum's.

"Its been too long." I agree.

"Your mum is in the kitchen with me and your dad is in the TV room with Calum's dad watching some sort of sport like most men do." She laughs and I kind of force myself to laugh, not really finding it funny but not having the heart to not at least chuckle.

"I'm going to say hi to my parents. Nice seeing you Joy." I say, giving her one last squeeze before slipping into the kitchen, Calum behind me.

"Hi, mum." I hug her quickly from behind as she cooks something and then I make my way into the TV room, where as soon as I get in there, there's yelling and old man victory dancing.

I feel a hand on my elbow swiftly pull me back out of the TV room and up the stairs.

"Never bother dads when they're having a good game. They'll drag you into it and you'll never be let out." Calum laughs over the sound of our feet hitting each stair. He swiflty runs his fingers through his locks before stepping into my old room.

Its just like it always has been, white walls, a few posters around the room, my queen bed pressed up against the window. The dresser that has doodles with pen scribbled into it is pressed against the wall opposite of the bed and a TV is mounted on the wall above that.

"I miss being in here." Calum sighs as he flops face down onto my bed.

"You know there's a party for my grandma happening downstairs. We should be down there." I chuckle.

"Let's just stay up here until we eat... Please?" He practically begs, moving his head to the side so he can see me, his cheek pressed flat to the mattress. I sigh, nodding.

thighsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora