Thirty Four// Park Show

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March 23, 2015


"Calum. Cal, wake up, man."

Hot breath fans across my face, as I'm shaken out of sleep. A little groan bubbles from within my throat.


"Band meeting."


I groggily roll over on my bed, not meaning to roll over into someone. Oh, yeah, Aspen spent the night. Smiling in content, I wrap my arm around her, knowing she's asleep and won't mind. My heart glitters when she rolls over, facing my chest, and cuddles up against me, her face digging into my chest.

"Bro, get up." I recognize the voice snapping at me as Michael's. Slowly, I start waking up more and more.

"Just let me wake up fully. I'll be out in a few minutes." I sigh, my voice cracking from the lack of use. Grimacing at the way my voice sounds in the morning, I instinctively start to rub ASPEN'S back.


I roll back around as the door clicks shut, my back facing Aspen, and grabbing my phone from beside my pillow, I checked the time. Its 9:00, and I have a few Twitter notifications, and that's all I see.

Wait, it's 9:00.

"Aspen! Aspen, you gotta wake up!" I shout in her ear, feeling bad about it for a second when I see her pained face but then shaking it off when that washes away. But her eyes still don't open. I stand up quickly and run around the bed, kneeling in front of Aspen.

"Dude, its 9:00. Doesn't the book store that you own open, like, now?" I ask. Her eyelids fly open.

"Shit." She checks the time. "Shit. Shit. Shit."

She throws the covers over her body, revealing her in some of my gym shorts that fit her a little snuggly, showing every single outline of her great ass, and the shirt she wore yesterday. I was determined to find something that fit her last night, I felt so bad that she felt like she did. Underwear doesn't matter to me. I mean, it does, but it doesn't matter that she ripped it.

I watch as she slides on her shoes in two seconds flat, and then as she throws her hair up into a ponytail.

"Bye, Cal, I gotta go, thanks for letting me stay!"

Her plump pink lips that I've had dreams about press against my cheek for a quick second, making my skin burn, and she flies out the door, still wearing my gym shorts. Acting like a love struck puppy, I touch my cheek lightly with my fingertips and let out a giggle.

What the fuck is happening to me...




"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, guys." I apologize, as I approach a woman and her little son waiting outside the bookshop, regret in my mind from five minutes ago when I kissed Calum's cheek without thinking. How could I kiss him like that?

"Oh, that's okay... We heard about the woman that used to own this shop." The woman says, pity in her eyes, as she stares at me, looking me up and down. The pity in her eyes is exchanged with disgust as she sees my thighs that are out on display.


I have an instinct to cover my thighs, and my eyes almost well up with tears, knowing anyone could just walk up right now and see me practically half naked. I want the ground to just swallow me whole, gobbling me up into the earth, never allowing anyone to ever see me again.

"Yeah, that's my grandma. I'm the owner, now." I force smile, my heart pinching even more at the mention of Grandma as I unlock the door to the shop.

"Oh, really? That's amazing. H-How old are you?" She asks, something hiding in the tone of her voice. Uncertainty. Disbelief.

"18, ma'am." I nod, and let her enter the bookshop.

I swear, as she walks to the shelves of books, holding the belonging to the little boy, I can hear her say to her son, "Looks like we'll have to find another book shop to go to, son. This one won't be around for long."




Cakum Hood:


Cakum Hood:
Bruh you'll never guess what just happened to ya chummy

What What what something bad? Or good?

Cakum Hood:
GGOOOOoooOOoOOd!!! I'll call u it's too imoportant 2 text 2 u

Two seconds later, my phone starts ringing, and I pick it up right away.

"What happened?" I ask right away, laughing as I lay on my side, my eyes on the TV in front of me.

"5SOS IS PLAYING AT A PLACE THAT ISNT A BAR!" Calum yells, and I automatically yank my phone away from my ear, his volume being to much to handle. "Sorry for the yelling, but I'm really excited." I put my phone back to my ear.

"We're gonna be playing at an actual, like, venue. Its small, though... And it's not really a venue, since its a park, but we're playing at a park!! They have up and coming band nights every month and we're the first band playing, which also sucks since everyone is going to forget about us by the time the whole thing is finished, but still! The guy who runs the whole things said that a whole bunch of people come to this thing, so we're all so excited!"

I laugh at his childish behaviour, and he laughs with me. His laugh is cute.

Shut up, Aspen.

"So... Are you going to invite me to this show or..." I hint towards him.

"Aspen. Of course! Its a free thing, so you can just come. And then we can rock out to the other bands together!" He says excitedly, and I nod, but then realize he can't see me.

"Oh my god, that would be so much fun! We're both going to go to the mall together to get you a new outfit, and then we'll go to the show and I'll watch you play and this is going to be so great!" I practically shriek.

"God, stop being a girl for two seconds!" Calum groans. A few moments of silence pass, as I roll my eyes and wait for him to apologize.

"But, to be honest getting a new outfit sounds like a lot of fun..." He sheepishly admits, and I scoff at how he insulted me and then agreed to what he insulted me about.

"So when is this show happening?"

"In like a month."

"Ugh, that's so far away." I sigh.

"Yeah... Shit, that reminds me that I have to pick up Mali from this hotel that's like forty miles away this Saturday." He lets out a loud and frustrated grunt, and I stifle a chuckle.

"I'd offer to go with you if I wasn't holding interviews on Saturday like the professional business woman I am." I say nonchalantly, to which Calum sniffles at, faking a sob.

"Fine. Just leave me hanging like that." He says, his voice rising in a yawn.

"Dude, you're tired. Go to bed."

"No... I want to keep taking to you."

"No. Bye, Chummy."


Sighing, I thank go the didn't mention anything about how I kissed his cheek, or ripped his boxers.




I'm so ashamed of this chapter. I'm so sorry.


Bye Have A Nice Life

thighsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora