Two// Preparations

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December 27, 2014


"AH SHIT!" I hear Chloe yell from the room over. I drop the curler I was working with quickly and run into her room.

There's a big red mark under her ear and she's gripping the front of the sink in pain. The curler that is still on and burning sitting on top of the counter means she was attempting to curl her hair for the wedding. She would curl her hair when I'm curling my hair. Everything I do, she does, but she does it 500 times better.

"What happened?" I ask calmly, hopefully to keep her calm. I'm always calming her down in situations like these. My sister is known in our family for getting upset easily.

"I burned myself." She exhales.

"I'll get you some ice. Just calm down." I say and run into our small, yet adorable, kitchen and throw open a drawer to grab a sandwich baggy and fill it with ice from the freezer.

As soon as I run back into Chloe's personal bathroom, she grabs the ice from me and presses it to the curler burn.

"I'm going to go back to getting ready now." I say and she sighs and nods.

The wedding ceremony starts at six and it's currently four thirty, so we have plenty of time to get ready and get there. Taking your time whike getting ready is probablyo ne of the best feelings ever. Just knowing you can take your time doing anything is great.

Once my full head of hair is curled, I do natural eye make up with little wings off the sides of my eyes and I put on a layer of red lipstick. I walk back into my room, my curls bouncing and my make up on point. I'm not usually all "dolled" up like this. It's usually barely any make up, some band shirt, and skinny jeans for me.

The dress that I purchased a couple days ago waits on my bed since I didn't want to get make up on it. I slip it over my head, loving how it flows around. On top of the black dress, I put on a red and black flannel (I don't care if it's a wedding, I'm wearing a flannel. It might be cold too, it is two days after Christmas.) and then to finish it off, I put on black heels.

But, since I still have a while, I take them off again and turn on the tv to kill time.


"Do you, Mali- Koa Hood take Barry Smith to be your husband?"

"I do."

I look over at my mum, who my sister and I met at this venue, and she's getting teary-eyed just watching the wedding happen. I never cry at weddings. I don't know why. I think I even dozed off a few times while the priest was marrying the two young people.

I kept staring at the best man. He was young, around my age, and had black hair with little blonde streaks everywhere in the front. Actually... he kind of looks familiar. Really familiar, in fact. I just can't put my finger on who he looks like and it starts driving me crazy. Its like when you see an actor in a movie and you swear you know him or her from a different movie, but you can't remember which one or who they played.

"I do." The groom- Barry, what an unusual name- says and they kiss and blah, blah, blah. The kissing in the ceremony is the most uncomfortable for me. I don't like watching two people kiss, it's awkward.

The ceremony was over and the people walked back down the isle and everyone lived happily ever after...

Now comes the reception.


It's an outside wedding, and the sun is almost about to set which means it'll be dark in about an hour and the white lights that are everywhere will be displayed. I think white lights really fit a winter wedding perfectly.

Our family finds a table and we sit together, Chloe next to me.

"I saw you staring at the best man, Aspen." My sister giggles.

"You were?" Mum chuckles at me.

I groan and cover my blushing face with my hands.

"I was not staring at him. He just looked familiar and I was trying to figure out who he is." I sigh, feeling uncomfortable that Chloe brought up that subject in front of our parents.

"He looks familiar because you two used to be close. That's Calum Hood." My dad informs me, butting into the conversation.

Calum Hood?

We weren't just close. We were best friends.

American Idol's on tonight and I'm a loser so Imma watch it okkkk
Stay Gucci.

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