Four// Hot Topic

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December 29, 2014


My feet feel tired as hell. Darcey, my best friend that has bright pink hair and a nose peircing like mine, and I have walked around this huge inside mall only about three times (note the sarcasm) because she's scoping out hot guys. Darcey's kind of a slut, but she's my best friend so I don't care one bit. If she wants to have sex and get some weird STD, that's not my problem.

"Can't we just go to Hot Topic and go home? The only reason I came with you was so that I could get that Blink 182 shirt I saw last time we came." I whine.

"Yeah, fine, I like guys with tattoos and piercings anyways." She shrugs.

"That's very offensive. Not everyone who goes to Hot Topic has tattoos and stuff, Darce." I chuckle.

"You have tattoos and stuff." She nudges me with her elbow.

"I have two. And I only have a few peircings." I shrug.

On my eighteenth birthday, I got two tattoos on my wrists. On one wrist, it says Inhale, and on my other it says Exhale. I like them very much, and I'm glad they're on me forever. It's a little reminder for me to tell me to breath when life gets difficult.

"Aspen. Hot Topic is this way." My best friend chuckles at how spaced out I was and pulls me to the store where they thrive off of selling band shirts to teens and pre-teens.

"I'll go get the shirt and we'll leave, k?" I tell her and she nods and goes to flirt with the hot guy at the check out.

Automatically, I go for the red and black Blink 182 I saw last time we were here. I grab the biggest size they have and quickly turn around without looking where I'm going, which results in me running into something hard.

"Oh my god." I mutter.

"Are you okay?"

Great, it was a person.

"Wait, Aspen?" The person says. I look up at the human being I bumped into, and just my luck, it was Calum. How come during all these years we've never bumped into each other, but now that we talked again, we bump into each other at a random place...

"Oh. Hey, Calum." I smile and blush a bit in embarrassment.

"Getting a Blink shirt? Me too." He nods and grabs one in his size. I'm horrified when I see he grabs a large, so I hide the sticker on the shirt that indicates I got a double x. Fucking two sizes bigger.

The double large is really big on me, but still. I don't want Calum to think I'm a fatty, even though I am.

"Yeah, I saw it and had to get it." I nod, my face still warm.

"Same... uh... At the wedding, I didn't get your number. And I don't want to go back to the way we were before, not talking and all that. If you're okay with it... I'd like to be friends again?" He scratches the back of his neck as I wach his lips move when he speaks. I move my eyes to the floor, a smile growing on my face.

"Yeah. I've missed you a bunch, Cal." I say and look up at him.

He nods and smiles and takes out his phone, handing it to me to punch in my number. I do, and he smiles bigger when I hand his phone back to him.

His hand reaches for mine and he pulls me into a tight hug. He hugs me like he never wants to let go.

"I know I messed up by not talking to you." He says softly against my hair. I'm not sure how to respond so I just nod against his chest.

He gives me one more squeeze before letting go.

"Text me, okay, Cal?" I ask.

"I promise."

I purchase the shirt I wanted and meet Darcey outside of the store, saying goodbye to Calum again as he walks out as well.

"Who was that? I saw you give him your number." She nudges me with her elbow as we head to the direction of the exit of the mall.

"He's my best friend from my childhood. We never spoke after what happened to me and we met again at the wedding I went to last weekend." I say.

"What's his name?"

"Calum Hood."



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