Fourteen// I Know His Name

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January 23, 2015


I chuckle at the funny Snapchat I receive from Aspen as the four of us boys with no lives sit spraweled out in the living room, School Of Rock playing mindlessly in the background.

"What's so funny?" Michael asks, obviously not caring but wanting to start conversation between us mimes.

"Aspen sent me a snap of her window open and it said 'as open as your legs'." I chuckle and send her one back of me doing duck lips like a basic white girl, even though I'm not white and I'm clearly a boy.

She sends a picture of blackness saying 'I'm neverous about my date that's soon'.

If she hadn't made a silly mistake in her spelling, I'd be frowning at her mention of the date with the tattooed guy who's name I know, but I'm just going to pretend like I don't know it.

I reply a picture of my forehead and say 'don't be neverous'

Its obvious she didn't mean to spell neverous but I'm glad to point it out, that's what friends are for. Pointing out the other person's mistakes in a fun poking manner.

"Give me her Snapchat." Luke says.

"No. She's going on a date, she doesn't need you to spam her." I say, not being able to stop the frown on my face this time.

"Aw, you're frowning. You like her?" Michael laughs. Ashton's school girl giggle rings through my ears.

"No. Just friends." I simply put it.

"Yeah, but you want to be more, don't ya?" Ashton says.


"Aw, come on. Are you kidding? Aspen's incredibly hot. And she has an ass to die for." Michael laughs. Dammit, stupid boy minds.

Everything Michael says is true, even if Aspen can't see it. But when it cones out of his mouth, I feel myself getting even more jealous than I already was.

"Can you not? She has a personality too, you know." I scoff. "She's just my friend, Jesus Christ."

"Then... You wouldn't mind if I asked her out?" Luke pushes.

"Did you not hear me? She's going on a date right now with a guy she's been going out with for weeks." I sigh at their ugly behavior while sitting up from my laying down position on the floor.

"You're not too happy about that are you?" Luke pushes farther.

"Oh my god. Yeah, Aspen's pretty and stuff but I can't see myself with her." I lie.


"Were going bowling right?" I ask Raff as I almost throw my back out trying to get into his truck that's three feet off the ground.

"If there isn't some freak accident like an asteroid hitting the earth or something then yeah, were going bowling." He nods his head with a 'you can bet on it' look on his face. I just laugh at his silly imagination and shut the door before I fall out of the truck because lord knows I would.

"Glad to know only a freak accident could stop our date." I chuckle and look down to buckle my seatbelt.

"Aspen, you said you didn't like surprises right?" He says.

"Yeah, hate them." I say and look up from my fumbling with the seatbelt.

Raff's face is dangerously close to mine, but before I can back away, he swiftly cups my face with his surprisingly softer hands and pushes his lips to mine. Again, lord knows how long its been since I've been kissed. The way his lips feel against mine make me weak. A spark courses through each vein in my body as his hands move from my face to my hips. My hands move from my lap to his shoulders, one of them wrapping around his neck.

I never want this kiss to end. Ever. His lips move against mine with ease and my mind is cleared. I forget everything. I'm completely blank, and that's not a bad thing at this moment.

I'm dissapointed when he pulls his perfectly shaped lips off of mine.

"How was that surprise?" He asks, biting his bottom lip to suppress his smile, but it makes me smile more because its freaking adorable.

"Amazing." I say truthfully. If I had to be surprised in any way, I'd want to be surprised with a kiss.

He presses his lips to mine again but before I can react, he's leaning back in his seat again, a huge smile on his face that mirrors mine.

In the side art, Cal looks kinds sad so I picked it because he's sad that Raff gets the booty and he doesn't.

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