Chapter Five

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Later when Pacha, Kuzco and I were heading back to the village, we had to cross an unsturdy and mossy bridge.

"Once we cross this bridge, it's an hour until we make it to the village," Pacha stated.

"Good, because believe it or not, I need a bath," Kuzco said from in front of me.

"I believe it," I stated, annoyed. We started walking across the bridge and then all of a sudden Pacha fell through one of the wooden planks of the bridge. He was thankfully caught by some tangled up ropes so he didn't fall to his death. "Pacha!"

I kneeled down to get a better look at him.

"Kuzco, help me up," Pacha asked, trying to reach upward for him. Kuzco just pranced over the plank that wasn't there anymore and continued strutting along the bridge.

"No, I don't think I will," I scoffed, but before I could say anything, I, too, fell through the bridge.

"(y/n), are you okay?" Pacha asked, concerned.

"Physically, I'm okay. Mentally, I am hanging off the bridge of madness," I said, not realizing my pun until it was too late.

"I was going to put you, Pacha, in prison for life, but I think I like this better."

"I thought you were a changed man!" Pacha yelled at Kuzco. I merely watched the interaction.

"I said what I had to say so you two could take me back to the village," he scoffed.

"So it was all a lie," I stated, deciding to not yell over a losing cause.

"Yea, no wait.." He pretended to think for just a moment, "oh wait, yea it all was a lie. Toodles!" He said and pranced away.

"You two shook hands on it," Pacha yelled out.

"See the funny thing about shaking hands is you kind of need hands," he said as he snapped his hooves.

"How are you going to get back into the palace, Kuzco? It's not like people are going to believe you are the emperor like we did. They are most likely going to kill you if you aren't with a human," I contradicted. It was trying to stall the llama and it worked. It worked, because he turned back and fell through the bridge as well.

"Well, Emperor Kuzco, ain't karma a b-"

"Shut up, Commander!"

"Are you alright?" Pacha asked, cutting us both off.

"Good," he said after the Emperor nodded. Pacha, being the amazing person he is, punched the Emperor right in the face, and they both started to get in a fight. Which I smirked at before shooting an arrow with some rope I cut off, and I climbed to safety. I got back onto the ground and took a deep breath. Then, like hearing glass break, I heard the thing I didn't want to hear. The bridge broke. I whipped my head around and saw it fall.

I couldn't yell, and I couldn't see them. I couldn't even think about what I was supposed to do. A few minutes of pacing and trying to think of any ideas besides falling to my death just to see what happened, I saw Emperor Llamahead fly up and land on the ground along with Pacha. My eyes widened before realizing I should probably hug them both because they weren't dead like I thought they were.

"I thought you two were dead." I said solemnly. I gave a hug to each, ending with Pacha when the cliff started to fall. Kuzco quickly pulled us back up. He gave us a victory dance for saving us.

"You just saved our lives," Pacha states in utter disbelief. They both started arguing about whether or not Kuzco had some good in him. Kuzco kept denying he didn't, until the arguing stopped by me pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a light squeeze before pulling away. "You really need a bath and to brush your teeth. It smells like morning breath," I said. Kuzco put on fake hurt.

"My breath smells perfectly fine, thank you very much."

"Mint leaf?" I ask, pulling one out of my pocket, copying his expression whenever he asks me if I want one. (Like he did in, what was it? Chapter one? Really? Wow, time flies by when you are typing in the middle of the night) "You really should have one."

"Noooo, thanks," he said through his gritted teeth, annoyed beyond belief with me.

"Tut. Your loss."

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