ø. Aaron Burr

308 10 11

Of course I didn't realize at the time,
We were at the same spot George Eaker shot his son.

I read that a day later in the paper.

God, what had I done.

And he made it worse as he lay there bleeding out.
He never ment to harm me.

He whimpered that aloud. Just enough so I hear it.
The dawn had just broken and I saw him smile sadly at me as they rowed him home.

"Aaron, forgive me..." was all he said and then he was gone from my sight.

My gun still lay on the ground.

A silver, evil blight.

Nothing but my second kept me from running towards him once he fell- and only shock kept me moving as I got a drink.

I don't know how long I was there, probably a whole day I sat there.

And then I heard a single, lonely church bell ringing.

A felt a hand on my shoulder when no one was there.

And I knew that he was gone.

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