The Last Goodbye and Smile

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From Hamilton's point of view.

Burr slowly walked up the grey, dead hill- round headstones surrounding him as he walked higher up until he stood at the very top.

And from the top he could see the city- in its grey blanket of mid-winter and white tips of snow.

The wind battered the man, blowing his black coat back from around his legs, the tail flying out like a mourning kite.

His hat was pulled down as far as it would go as he stood in the cold, but his dark purple eyes still shone- but not with joy.

However cold it may be, Burr did not wall alone.

Although there was no sign to be given, no touch to be felt, no noise to be made, a shorter man stood besides him in Sunday morning clothes and a pair of glasses.

His white shirt was stained by a dark red blotch on his ribs, and his eyes were always a little unfocused.

But he knew that the man needed him there.
If only he could remember who he was?

All he knew was Eliza- and then in another, darker scene, where there was only regret, and a sudden pain before darkness overtook him.

The man in the black coat would walk to the cemetary almost every day- and Alexander would follow him as far as he could.
Meet him at the gate, and let him go past the gate when he left.

He could never follow further.

But what perplexed the spirit was that the man never spoke.
Until that day when he lay something on his grave and sat down and spoke out loud.

His voice was low with lack of use, and rusty. But Alexander neared him to hear what he was saying.

"I don't know where you are now Alexander.
But if you can hear me please forgive me for something I intended to do only because of blindness to love and privy only to my own personal gain.
For now I must leave you- I'm going down South for a long long time.
I probably won't see you again.
But I'll see you on the other side.
Some day, some day..."

(Now to Alex bby)

And then I followed him to the gate and I watched him disappear-
And the next day he didn't come back.

A lot of days passed.
Some days, usually for quite a few in a row, it would snow. The feeling of the snow passing through me was a little weird but it was better than sitting in my grave, in my body, almost able to feel my cold fingers.

Some days it was sunny and people would come.
Kids and a woman I recognized came and say by my headstone sometimes.
Am I really their father and her husband? I thought I would remember that.

Even, one time, a man in a fuchsia coat and floofy hair came by in the dead of night and lay a Labernum flower, and a Red poppy down.
I frowned.
Forsaken, and consolation?

"Hamilton..." he whispered.
"It's Jefferson. I'm sorry that I never apologized before...." he sighed. "Rest well, my most esteemed enemy."
And then he walked out.

But I always wanted the man in the black coat to return.

Lots of snowy days and then sunny days passed.
People came by less and less, and a new lady was buried by me. Then my wife and children came by a lot again.
And the spirit of the lady would sit silently on her headstone and smile at me.

Every time I got too close, she would only smile, whisper, "Alexander..." and fade away into the sky.

A lot of time passed for her and I.

And then one day a long time after they all stopped coming.

My heart clenched as I realized, I really don't have any happy ending.



Cuz we're done!

Thanks for sticking with me, guys.
I hope you loved it a ton.
My first multiple-part book ever completed. 😅 Wow!

Hope yall go check out my Johnlock and Murther and SPN books! My other Hamilton ones, and my Marvel, too.

Love you guys all 3000 and 1776.

So... 4776.


Anyways, vote and comment and bye!!!!!

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