NUMBER SIX (Leave a note for your NOK)

136 5 22

My sister let me have her smiling Shoto Todoroki sticker.

I'm dead.
(His smile knocked me out, I've fallen apart. {Because I am in love with A-a-ron Burr AND Todotodo Rokiroki})

Being a teenage girl is 😒.

Mainly because my first love interest has been dead 200+ years.
And Shoto Todoroki isn't real, and although, cannon says that he's only a year older than me, he doesn't speak English and lives in Japan.
And has two incredibly strong superpowers.

No big deal lol :)

My next oneshot is coming out soon.

Love you readers!
Sorry this is a day late lol I had a busy week.


(I have not seen that play lol sorry.)

Day 6:

So yesterday went well, ya know, with visiting Alex and all.

Theodosia made me stay at her house, she fed me a small but strong meal and let me drink some of her husband's whiskey.

That woman is a blessing upon me like none other, except her mother.

Of course, dreams of self destructions take over my thoughts as sleep takes me.

...Fire is spreading everywhere.

...It's so bright.

...The smoke is making it hard to breathe.

Hamilton stands in front of me, covered in flames.

Smiling at me.

Suddenly the flames are much more appealing.

There is no pain as he touches me with his burning hand and holds mine.

My eyes are full of questions, tears.

He smiles gently, sadly, and pulls our foreheads together.

And then I feel the heat start to burn me.

I let it.

My eyes flutter open with a gasp!

He- my dream-

My thoughts are interrupted as Theodosia throws open my curtains, and my thought process is lost.
My memory of my burning dream is gone.

My eyes flutter shut and I groan at my daughter.

"Ugh... no..."

"Father you were having a nightmare. At ten AM."

So that's why it's so bright out...

"Oh, apologies for my late rise, I was having a particularly weird dream..."

"Dad, should we have not gone to the grave yard yesterday?"

I briefly let my thoughts drift over to Alexander's beautiful marble grave.

"No. That was.. good for me, I think. I love you Theo. Thank you for helping me so much."

"No problem, Father. There is... someone here to see you, that is why I have awoken you."

"Who on Earth?"
I felt a curl of dread develop in my stomach.

"Some kind lady named Angelica Church."


Month 6:

Wow, look at that.

Baby snakes!!!


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