Days of Future Past

22 8 1

September 17, 2030
Rochester, New York

Kyle is standing in the middle of the ER as the head of the Emergency department addresses the staff

"Ok, everybody listens up, a car crashed into daycare near Pacific Avenue, the ER is going to be packed with children and staff members of the center, I'm going to need all hands on deck, prepare everything for the arrival of the children, most common ages will be from 2 months to 8 years old, let's remember pediatric doses are smaller and differentiate from age and weight, also, injuries won't be located in the same place as the bodies are smaller, therefore, anatomy may variate. There is no room for mistakes people, these are children we are talking about, be gentle, they'll be scared and so will the parents."

Dr. Melton moves to stand next to the other doctor "And everyone lets divide the ER into sessions, we need to mark everyone who comes in by colors, green for scratches, yellow for mild injuries, and red for emergencies, let's prepare the waiting room for the parents, we need a team to update them, to keep them relax and above anything, we need them to cooperate so again, let's are gentle."

At that moment Malcolm walks into the room and addresses the doctor "Dr. Melton, the first pair of ambulances is almost here"

Everyone rushes to the ER entrance, two ambulances arrive, and two more follow, paramedics, get down, Malcolm, Dr. Malton, Kyle, and other nurses and doctors are there to receive the patients.

The first kid come out of the ambulance, she is covered in blood, paramedics give a description

"6-year-old female, lacerations in lower left quadrant, broken right tibia and hip dislocation"

Kyle grabs the gurney "I got this one"

He rushes her into the ER, he tags her, calls for ortho and Tatiana joins him "What do we have here?"

Another nurse updates her "She has a broken tibia and hip dislocation"

Kyle gives instructions as he holds the child on one side and they slide her over to the bed "Ok let's debride those lacerations, and let's get a sonogram in here and make sure there aren't any internal damages nor bleedings, someone goes to the lobby and sees if one the parents are here"

The nurse stands at the door looking at him "How are we supposed to know who's the parent of which kid?"

Kyle answers her while keeping his focus on the patient "For the time being, ask who the parents of; what's your name?" "Lisa, her name is Lisa" Responds one of the teachers

Kyle turns to look at the nurse "Alright, ask who the parents of Lisa are"

Tatiana ads normal saline to the laceration and talks to him while she cleans the cut "You do know that's not going to help for long"

Kyle grabs his pager "Well it'll have to do for now. But once the emergency clears out we will work on the reunions."

The nurse clears her throat "So, should I go update them?"

both of them say at the same time

Kyle takes a deep breath, holds it in for three seconds "For now we are taking care of her and you need one of the parents to come with you, for the hospital's safety, the moment we can, we will give the other parent an update, that's all you will say, and get one of the residents to go with you, they should be the ones telling the news and giving updates, I don't want the nurses getting involve unless is strictly necessary, understood?"

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