2nd year anatomy exam night

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A December night
In a room full of mess, scattered notes , crumbled pages
Margret was sitting at the floor even though she had a study table , a chair , a comfy bed
But her thoughts were pretty logical cuz anything which is comfortable will stimulate the sleep waves and she don't wanted to sleep
She was pretty frustrated next morning was her anatomy exam..
Everything she read and memorize felt like a faded smog which was blurring the windows of her room.
She again turn pages of head and neck unit "ohh damn what were paranasal sinuses"
She again revised that topic "Sigh Gross anatomy is done just some chapters of embryology left then i can sleep for a while"
Closing grays anatomy book whose blue cover was no more blue cuz she already ripped off the transparent plastic which was quite satisfying act for her
She opened langman's embryology "okay i know derivative of pharyngeal pouches" put a glance just to briefly it
"Wait what! Tympanic membrane is derived from 1st pharyngeal pouch? Damn! Then what is derived from the 4th"
Frustration was on peak she was forgetting almost basics
"Ohh Margret how can you be this dumb obviously there was a mnemonic 'TF' no no not 'The Fuck' it means T ympanic  F irst"
She always used to talk with herself like that either making her ownself laugh either taunting she was more like her own best friend

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