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That 20 minute drive from carnival to home was more like 20 years
Margaret was as quite as a cold corpse.
Her friend were noticing her gaze direct at the road and she hardly have blinked once or twice in 20 minutes..
Red eyes deep breaths remained constant for the whole journey...
Tatia her best friend tried talking to her many times with different topics just to distract her for a while but she didn't respond, like Margaret wasn't there in that body of hers...
When she felt the car stopped she opened the door of that white car and stepped in the dark street way to her home..
Just like those steps her soul was also stepping from the light towards the dark...
Slowly opened the door it was 12:46 am of cold night when she reached at the door step of her home.
Slowly opening the door and walking with deep quite steps because she don't wanted to break the silence outside she was already damn loud inside, those screams of her soul were audible, to her the soul which was getting invaded by her inner demons...
Her rooms lights were on, she put the back of her palm to stop the those sharp lights which were pinching in her eyes like needles and even more enhancing the pain in her head..
She hurriedly turned of those lights threw her jacket and purse on the bed and ran to the darkest corner of that room and kneel down putting both of her palms on her ears trying to stop those screams but that technique is only used to stop the noise outside the ears not inside...
She was forcing harder and harder to completely cease the sound but she was weaker to take over that condition...
She wasn't aware when was the moment she fell asleep or lost her conscious and lied whole night in that same corner
Until she heard that hard dabbing of the door and suddenly she heard the scream of her mother "Margaret hide! Lock your room's door Margaret! don't come outside"

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