The Black Shadow

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Do you know how a person dies due to cyanide poisoning?
When cyanide enters in to bloodstream supplied to each cell of the body with in 120 seconds except the brain cells..
Cyanide stops formation of energy in the body.. Hence lack of energy leads to lack of muscle contraction either skeletal or smooth or cardiac ...
Think what if your esophagus and become stiff... you'll choke to death.
What if your blood vessels become stiff? Most of the body undergo ischemia (lack of blood supply causing organ failure)
Every organ and cells of our body needs a constant blood supply and if there is any impairment in it organ won't survive...
And what if the heart can't contract?
Yess heart attack or cardiac failure..
And something exactly happened to those four agents...
Margaret sent her mom inside to pack the bags "we have to leave mum"
Her mother hadn't any idea what is she talking about how can she protect her daughter alone in such circumstances?
These thoughts have triggered second time in her mother's mind first was when her father disappeared 9 years ago and like everyone they both thought he is dead... Because investigations of six months proved it...
And Margaret consider herself such unlucky that she didn't even attended her own father's funeral.

The night at carnival was the turning point of Margaret's life... And through metamorphosis nature prepared her to face each future unnatural scenarios any one could ever imagine in their lives.

Until Margaret's mom was packing their bags Margaret had to get rid of those 4 pale and blue corpses...
Delay in finding bodies will also cause delay finding Margaret.

She have learned this in histology... Ways of embalming by using formaldehyde and methanol to prevent the bodies to degenerate and odour of dying cells.
She successfully preserved the bodies and broke each tech they had until her mum gave her the gesture that packing is done...
They put the bodies in the covers of mattress add some wool in it and neatly decorate them as the part of their rooms washed the dishes mop the house with methanol to wipe every finger print and traces of cyanide and left the house having no idea where they were going...

It was almost dusk when they both were wondering towards the bus stop having no idea where their steps are leading to until Margaret felt someone following them and she suddenly turn her head back to see who a dark shadow disappeared in the trees....

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