The Risk

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The ninja arrived where the tracker said it was. It was on the docks by the lake. They peeked around corners to make sure the ghost was cleared. Kai however was still rubbing the deep red imprint of a hand across his face.

"I guess it's official to call you the red ninja." joked Ash.

"Shall we see how many flakes of ash I can make you?" replied Kai bitterly.

"If you honestly thought you could avoid it, then you were wrong." said Sarah.

"Hey Kai, did you ever take my game out of your safe?" said Lloyd.

"Uh, no but that's your loss for having it with you even though we were supposed to be on patrol." jeered Kai to Lloyd. Lloyd became frustrated, it took him hours to make it that far in his game.

"Are you guys done giving away our position?" asked Caleb as he looked around the next corner.

"Do you honestly think they'll be out in the open like this?" asked Jay, as Caleb signaled them to follow him. When they turned the corner, they saw the missing Ultra Speed Raider.

"You were saying." said Striker quietly.

They turned back the way they came until they knew they were earshot out. "So they're in the open and the tank is pointing towards the end of the dock." said Sam, he was drawing out the area they saw.

"The tank is also away from the nearest building so if we want to get closer, it would be tough." added Aaron.

"We call in the police, and have them be a distraction." suggested Nya.

"If we did that, then they perhaps know we are here." said Morro.

"Karlof thinks we should crush the raider, that way they can't leave quickly." said Karlof. Griffin suddenly came out of nowhere, he stayed behind to see anything else.

"Griffin find anything else for us?" asked Cole.

"I found Conner." he said, the ninja looked hopeful. "The problem is," he continued, "he is tied to the raider." The ninjas' smiles disappear immediately.

"There goes the idea of crushing it." said Zane. The ninja were going to discard that anyway.

"So there is nowhere close to hide for a surprise attack, our friend is on the tank which is pointing to the end of the dock. Anything else that might give us a disadvantage?" said Blizzare. The ninja looked around looking for a way to overcome this.

"Guys I think I have an idea. But we have to take our own advantage and make it our disadvantage." said Morro. The ninja looked at him confused.

"What advantage?" asked Jay.

Meanwhile, while the ninja discussed what they were up against, Krux and Acronix were finishing something. "Soon we'll be back brother." said Acronix.

"Indeed, and once we are back, we have to free her." said Krux. "How much longer till it is ready?"

Acronix looked down at a computer by the tank on it was a progress bar that read "75%". "Almost done brother." said Acronix.

Caleb groaned as he was tied up and connected to the raider. He didn't understand why he was connected but he trusted that he could go home. "Don't think about regretting this." said Krux, as he noticed him. Caleb just shook his head no, he was stiff and tired of trying to remember. "Good, now you just stay in here." said Krux as he and Acronix placed the drill head back on.

"Don't tell me you're going to leave without saying goodbye." said a stranger. The twins startled, looked around to see where it came from. When they pinpointed it they saw, the Bronze Ninja and the Red Ninja. Both of them fire up with stone and fire.

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