The Time Battle

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Jay from Ninjago wasn't in the air for long. Suddenly, a portal opened right in front of him and out came the Ultra Speed Raider, crashing into his jet as they spiraled back down to Ninjago. As he climbed out of his jet, he realized they landed back in the courtyard. "Wow, that's ironic." he joked to himself.

Suddenly the door to the raider opened causing Jay to turn quickly and get into a defensive position. Smoke came out of the raider and Jay noticed two people were coming out. Two people, he hoped they would have never returned. "We're finally back, brother," exclaimed Acronix.

"Indeed brother, indeed," noted Krux before noticing Jay. "Looks like they are sending us a welcoming party." Acronix smiled knowing what his brother meant, before Jay could react, he could pause time once again. The twins laughed but it was short-lived. Suddenly, lightning came out nowhere catching them off guard releasing Jay. "What?"

"Count your ninjas before you assume you got them," stated Jay from Earth as he and the Ninjas of Ninjago spring into action.

The twins retreated slowly back to the Ultra Speed Raider, "And double count as well." noted Caleb from Earth. The twins turned around to see they had awakened from the crash.

"We have you surrounded," said Lloyd from Ninjago.

"Surrender," said Lloyd from Earth.

"Us two might not be a match for both of you," stated Krux as the ninjas circle closer.

"But we three are," stated Acronix, pushing a button he had behind his back. Connor screamed out in more pain, the button released a wave of energy from destroying any nearby walls. Behind one was the tank where Revenge and Caleb from Earth's element store, as the energy wave hit, it destroyed the tank releasing herself free.

"Finally you sure took your time." said Revenge, as she joined the Time Twins side. "Shall we begin?"

The ninjas didn't need a second invitation, they charged at them with full power. While the Ninjas from Ninjago knew more about the Time Twins, they didn't know about Revenge who fed on their energy and turned into hers. As for the Ninjas from Earth, they knew Revenge and kept it in check but struggled as the Time Twins slowed down, stopped, or even sped through time. Neither side was a match for either side's enemy. The twins and Revenge realized this and used it, Revenge took on the Ninjas from Ninjago as the twins handled the Ninjas from Earth.

As they were fighting, Sarah and Caleb from Earth removed pieces from the drill until they found their friend. "There," exclaimed Sarah.

"Stand back," said Caleb as he fired up his element of lava and melted away the metal that trapped their friend.

Sarah then helped her friend out of it. Connor was breathing heavily as he was laid down by them, he looked at to see the ninja were losing. "What - have - done?" he cried out.

"It's not your fault." encourage Caleb.

"It is," replied Connor. "I let them back here."

"But, you can fix it," said Sarah.

"I can't, there's no way," complained Connor.

Caleb wasn't going to take that for an answer as he watched his friends being taken out one by one. He grabbed Connor by the collar and punched him, Connor was going to complain about that before seeing dark eyes staring out at him. They were familiar to him somehow. "You never gave up on me when I was lost, I'm not given up now. You were someone I admired, someone who told me the secret first and retaught it to me," said Caleb, he then took Connor's hand and looked up to see an elemental comet. It soars above them, with lava as its tail, but there was a similar element circling it trying to join it. "You said your element never forgets you, now remember," he said, reaching his other hand up towards the sky. "It's time!"

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