Chapter 2 - The Thief

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Connor was being escorted by Nya and Morro as they made their way to an interrogation room where the leader of the group was waiting for them. While Connor was in his ninja attire, Nya and Morro were in the police uniform. Being part of the police force, helped the ninja to find where trouble was at and have at least two ninja at the scene. They entered the interrogation room where the leader of the thieves from last night was waiting for them. Connor sat down on the chair while Nya and Morro stood guard. Between Connor and the leader on the table was a pot of tea and Connor began pouring him and the leader cup. The leader looked into the tea unsure then at Connor who quickly drinked it down. "If I wanted to put something in it to kill you or make you tell the truth, I would need someone that is far away to brew some." said Connor finishing his tea.

The leader looked at the cup again then placed it down. "I'm not a tea drinker." he said.

"I can't blame you." said Connor looking at his cup while sticking out his tongue in a distasteful way. "I came from a place that made better tea then this."

"And where would that be?" asked the leader.

"An answer will come if you answer mine." said Connor before unzipping his sweatshirt a little bit and reaching in to reveal the device from last night. "Where did you get this technology?"

The leader snickered then said, "They say they're identical but one is older than the other." Connor tilted his head in confusion. "Well aren't you going to answer my question?" he asked and picked up his cup to begin drinking believing it was safe.

"Ninjago." answered Connor, this made the thief do a spit take and coughed anything else out.

Meanwhile, Kai and Lloyd were patrolling the streets, they were passing by where they captured the thieves from last night. Lloyd was playing a game while Kai drove his Fire Sports Tank Vehicle. "You know there is a reason why we pair up." said Kai as Lloyd continued playing his game.

"Yeah, yeah to help look for any spots you can miss due to driving. But since we have done this since we got back from our camping trip, I think there is no need to have a second person in the car." said Lloyd continued to play his game.

Kai looked at all the features on his car and this gave him an idea, "Sarah give me lots of weapons and gadgets to use, I wonder what this one does." he said hovering his finger over the passenger ejector seat.

"YOU KNOW WHAT THAT BUTTON DOES!!!" screamed Lloyd realizing he would expose his identity if he was ejected. He slapped away Kai's finger and said, "I'll look at the window to see anything you missed."

"And now I need to find a better threat that can make you get off of this." said Kai holding up Lloyd's game counsel and sliding it into a safe between them which he alone knew the password. Suddenly a fast car came out of nowhere, it drifted and dashed away the same direction they were going. "Looks like we found someone who didn't want to be found." said Kai grinning at Lloyd which he grinned back. "Let's see how fast you can do." and pushed the top speed setting and turned on his sirens and chased after the fast car.

Back in the interrogation room, the leader of the thieves had finally recovered. "The people you're looking for, said they came from Ninjago." said the leader.

"Did they tell you how they got here?" asked Connor.

"No, but they heard of you guys and wanted us to try the devices to see how much power they can store." responded the leader.


"They said they are looking for a way back."

"Who could they be?" muttered Connor leaning back to ponder what the leader said. "Do you know where they are hiding?" he asked the leader.

"We don't know, we were at the pub when they came out of nowhere and gave us these devices then disappeared after answering us the questions we asked."

"Tell me, did they carry anything else besides these?" asked Connor.

Before the leader could respond, Morro said, "Golden Ninja, your team is on a trail of a very fast speeding car."

Connor got up and said, "Thank you for your time, I hope we can continue after I get back." and left the room with Nya and Morro. "What is it guys?" he asked in his comms after putting it in from leaving the room.

"Well there is this very fast car that I can get close to, but suddenly it's farther away." said Kai in his car before firing lock on missiles. They flew straight for the car but stopped just before they could hit. "Oh come on!" said Kai, frustrated.

"Stay on them, I'm on my way." said Connor heading out the front door.

"Golden Ninja, we like to come too," said Nya.

"Sorry Nya and Morro." said Jack, stopping them from advancing they groaned knowing they will be missing out of the fun. "I need you to find the other three, they might not have heard so I need you to tell them."

Nya and Morro looked at each other and grinned. "Well you don't need to tell us twice." said Nya and she and Morro ran off to get Zane and change.

Connor smiled and walked at the door and to an open spot. "Um, you know your Ferrari is right over there." said Jack following Connor out and pointed to his Ferrari.

"I need something for more speed." said Connor, using his power he created a very aerodynamic car. "Plus it's been awhile since I did this." drove off towards the chase.

Kai was still on the trail of the fast car but everytime he got close, the car was somehow farther away. "Kai, can we take it easy on the corners?" asked Lloyd as he was josle around in the passenger side.

"No can do Lloyd." said Kai. He looked down to see what he had left of gadgets then he saw it. "Sorry Lloyd but this thing needs to lose some weight."

"Kai don't you-" before he could finish, Kai pushed the passenger's ejector seat. "DARE!!!" scream Lloyd as he was launched. Luckily he was wearing his mask.

Kai pushed his car as fast as he could and was closer than before. "Looks like you missed this time." said Kai, but victory was short lived, as the people driving it took one of the devices, it was the same as the criminals and blasted Kai tires away leaving him to spin. When he stopped he watched as the car he was chasing was getting away. He threw his head on the wheel of the car and its horn blare.

The thieves didn't get far however, suddenly out of nowhere, Connor t-posed the thieves' car sending it into a barrel roll. Connor deactivated his powers and tucked and rolled. When he got up, he looked at the thieves' car to see it was upside down with two people coming out. "Who are you guys?" asked Connor to the thieves.

The thieves looked up to see him looking at them. "Look brother, his energy isn't from here." said one.

"Indeed brother, I feel it's from Ninjago." said the other.

"I don't know how you know about that place, but you're coming with me. Whether it is the easy way or the hard way." said Connor firing up his golden element again.

"His power is just what we were looking for." said the second one. Before Connor could react, the second one pulled out a gauntlet containing red energy and blasted it at him causing him to pause in time. "It's time for the Time Twins to go back home and have our revenge." said Krux before knocking Connor out.

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