Going Through the Realms

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Jay turned and twisted and spun in every direction as he went through the tunnel of the portal. He couldn't see his friends nor hear them, the thought of he lost them and was alone. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!" he screamed then suddenly he saw the end of the tunnel and came out and crashed into someone. "Ugh," he groaned, "That's an experience we shouldn't do again for some time."

"What experience?" said a voice Jay recognized. He heard it many times and as he looked down he saw almost the same reflection of himself looking up to him confused.

"AH!" they both screamed and scrambled away from each other.

"Did I duplicate?" asked Jay from Earth.

"Am I that fat?" asked Jay from Ninjago.

"Who are you calling fat?" asked Jay from Earth, as he fired up his Lightning.

"What makes you think I'm your doppelganger?" asked Jay from Ninjago firing up his Lightning. They standoff against each other then Jay from Earth made the first sending unpredictable bolts at lightning. Jay from Ninjago saw them coming and counter them with an electric shield which made the unpredictable bolts predictable. "My turn," said Jay from Ninjago. Jay from Earth was shocked that his special attack was defeated easily, but what came next was a surprise. "Ninja Go!" said Jay from Ninjago and twirled creating spinjitzu.

"What is that?!" screamed Jay in awe but terrified as the blue lightning tornado came to him.

Suddenly, a green tornado came out of nowhere and blocked the blue tornado, stopping it and throwing Jay from Ninjago off balance. The green one-stop and a Green Ninja with a golden sword on his back appear. "Jay..." began Lloyd before realizing there were two of them. "S, stand down both of you," he ordered. He then turned to Jay from Earth and said, "It's odd to see you here."

"Lloyd?" said Jay from Earth, it was Lloyd but not the one from Earth then recognized the sword on his back. It was the sword Connor competed for the first time he came to Earth, but he didn't come alone, three others whose powers were close to his came also. Then Jay from Earth and realization. "From Ninjago?" he said and the Green Ninja flipped off his hood, nodded, and smiled. "I'm in Ninjago?" he said as he processed what just happened in ten minutes.

Lloyd came to shake his hand and hugged him. "It's been forever hasn't it?" he said and Jay from Earth nodded. "Tell me, how did you get on here?"

"On?" asked Jay from Earth before realizing they were on a ship but it wasn't in the sea it was the air, he was on Destiny's Bounty. "I went through a portal with my friends." he started before realizing, "Did my friends make it through."

Lloyd looked at Jay from Ninjago who was on watch. "I didn't see anything then I heard a scream and looked to see where it was coming from, then suddenly I got squashed," he stated.

Jay from Earth looked worried suddenly, "Did I go the wrong way without knowing?" he thought to himself.

"What were you guys doing jumping through portals?" asked Lloyd looking suspiciously at Jay from Earth.

"Oh we're trying to save Connor," said Jay from Earth, he got confused looks from both of them back at him. "Oh right, that's his nickname, we're trying to save Caleb from your realm." Seeing this made them understand.

"And what does the Golden Ninja have got himself into?" said another familiar voice, he came down from the helm of the ship dressed in white and gold clothing with a black half Oni and half dragon it and he was dark.

"Oh, so that's what your father looks like here," said Jay from Earth to Lloyd.

The Ninjas of Earth waited for Jay to come through but it closed and he didn't. "And I thought we had him motivated to come," said Lloyd.

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