Chapter 9

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James Potter

He had never seen someone burn, or an uncontrollable flame.


That was a lie.

He had witnessed a million violent violet flames, crashing as they sparked through her eyes. 

Always through her eyes.

If you looked closer, there was more then flames... it was an icy home of ash and stone... where nothing should burn. 

Yet... her eyes burnt brighter than the flame that danced over his robes.

The raw energy of fire, to crawl so slow but the moment around him was slower.

It did not roar, instead it was an eerie crackling.

That was when he saw it.

Where there was fire in her eyes, now lived on her hands.

It sparked, turning to the violins of the flames, leaping from one finger to the next.

The smell of burning flesh was a smell he never wished to remember. 

Without any rational thought, he pat down his robes with his bare hands... his hands burning in a sensation he has never felt.

But it couldn't be anything that she was dealing with.

She made no noise, instead she crackled with the flames... as if she was one with it... 

Everything about her screamed flame, from her orange hair... to her red lips... and her unforgettable violet eyes.


She was a slow burn.

Slowly burning everything around her, just as the flame blazed across her pale skin.

He jumped.

He wrapped her hand in his robes.

He felt the water before Professor Slughorn reacted.

It was her tears.

Her eyes wide open

And for the first time.

It wasn't a flame in them.

It was a whole forest burning.

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