Progress Made

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WARNING: contains mentions of blood, drugs, & violence.

"So, what do we do now?" Laroy asked Pixie as the group converged on their vehicles ready to leave Cobalt's site and return now that the deal had been signed and he, the Charming Sons and the One-Niners were all business partners and allies now. Before the group departed, Cobalt had gifted the Niners and the Sons extra medical supplies as an act of goodwill and solidarity and he and Piney had exchanged contact details with the hopes of meeting up to go fishing when things died down. Pixie didn't miss how when walking back, Andre and Opie had fallen into step with each other and were lightly conversing, getting to know one another better. Seeing this gave Pixie hope that the bond she had with the Niners wouldn't just be limited to her, but that her other Sons brothers and family would grow to care about the Niners too, and vice versa.

Pixie paused by her bike, helmet in hands and cocked her head to one side, organising her thoughts as she rested her eyes on Laroy's face, seeing how pleased he looked about the deal, but also apprehensive. The bright sun overhead was catching in his eyes and she saw flecks of gold in amongst the dark mahogany.

"Well, I need to head back and meet the Nomad wave that's descended into Charming to help out, but I need you to make sure all your guys are completely on board with this deal. We can't back out now it's been signed for, and I know Baltie, he's really against dealers so I need you to cut those ties off permanently." Pixie warned, her bottom lip returning to being chewed as she tried to juggle numerous heavy tasks. It felt like she was finally getting somewhere, and yet, there was still a mountain to conquer.

Laroy nodded with Sergio and Andre, the three men exchanging glances, making sure they were all on board whilst Paul skulked just behind them, head ducked down as he toed a stone with a purple Nike trainer. "Consider it done." The One-Niners leader retorted firmly, though he looked concerned, catching Pixie's hazel eyes, and pursing his lips together slightly.

"Spill." Pixie raised an eyebrow, sensing Laroy was holding something back, he shifted a little uncomfortably and Andre followed suit. Both of them on the same wavelength.

"Some of the dealers that we got deep with... they have manpower, firepower and short fuses." Laroy admitted with Andre humming his agreement, Pixie's heart sank like a rock in a lake, already sensing that this wasn't going to be as easy as she'd previously hoped.

"Mate, the fuck are you doing gettin' in with those types?" She asked him, her tone worried and slightly scolding before she shook her head, feeling the need to take charge once again and her VP mannerisms came into play. "You need to cut them off, Roy. If you're worried about them retaliating or going after your men, I'm sure we can help with firepower and muscle. Sons Nomads are known for being wrecking balls if you piss them off. Might send a message that if you mess with the Niners, Sons are comin' in strong too." Pixie considered, recalling the stories of Nomads taking down groups of guys much larger than their own when pissed off, as well as having witnessed a few Nomad brawls back in the UK. She looked to Piney to get his opinion and looked relieved when he bobbed his head.

"Most of those guys will be lookin' for a fight anyways, should be fine." Piney concurred. "Any guys get hurt, bring 'em straight down to us, we'll patch 'em right up." He added looking at Sergio especially.

"Absolutely, I'm workin' flat out, but I'm fine stitching anyone up who needs it, 'specially now we got proper supplies." Pixie pointed to the duffel bag Opie had slung over his shoulder with some of the spare stock Cobalt had given them as a parting gift. "Thanks to Baltie."

"That makes me feel better." Sergio smiled, putting a hand on Pixie's shoulder affectionately. "Doctor Pixie to the rescue." He proclaimed, giving her a gentle nudge.

Pixie, First Daughter of Anarchy: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now