Friends & Enemies

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WARNING: Mention of Blood

The Charming Sons pulled into the Teller-Morrow lot and began parking up. As Pixie took her helmet off, Jax came to her side, looking like he was thinking hard and analysing her mood, which was stressed to say the least.

"Now's about as good a time as any to break the news to Clay about Otto." He said quietly, grabbing Pixie's arm and helping her up from her bike.

"You think?" Pixie asked, looking nervous as she watched Clay fumble with his helmet clasp.

"Yeah, he did what he wanted to do, and we got Tig, Chibs, and Opie to break anythin' up." Jax assured her as the other guys took notice after hearing their names being spoken by Jax. "I'll back you up, Piglet."

"Yeah, okay." Pixie agreed, feeling a little more confident. Clay was going to find out anway, so it was probably best he got told the sooner the better. She walked over to where he was lighting up a cigar next to his bike, Jax following along behind and Chibs, Tig and Opie loitering next to them. Clay looked down at Pixie as she approached and raised an eyebrow behind his sunglasses.

"Clay? I need to tell you something." Pixie spoke calmly and confidently, holding her head up and refusing to apologise for what she was about to divulge.

"What now?" Clay snapped. "You said your piece back at the shop."

"Not all of it, you stamped off before I could tell you what I wanted to." Pixie argued level-headedly.

Clay let out an agitated breath and Pixie could sense he was rolling his eyes. "Spit it out then, what?"

"I called Laroy, got him to put protection on Otto." Pixie replied bluntly, looking up at Clay with an unabashed attitude. She would never apologise for protecting her club members.

Clay seemed to turn to stone for a second as Pixie's words sunk in, and alarm bells started blaring in Chibs and Tig's heads. "You did what?" Clay asked slowly, his tone tensed.

"I was worried about him being surrounded by the Aryan Brotherhood and Darby's guys. I knew you wanted to threaten Zobelle, so I wanted to make sure that the fallout of that wouldn't hurt us." She described with poise and composure, staying calm as best she could. "My job is to listen to you and follow orders, I did that whilst making your job easier." Pixie followed up, turning Clay's words on him with a smile.

"Do you even fuckin' realise what you did, you conniving little bitch?!" Clay growled stalking forwards and causing Pixie to walk backwards, staring up at him with a 'try me' look on her face. He stabbed a finger into her chest on the last word and Pixie smacked his hand away.

"Clay!" Jax barked. "She knows what she did, it was for the good of the club." He moved forwards getting in between Pixie and Clay, backing him up whilst Chibs, Opie and Tig prepared to jump in should they be needed.

"Do you know why we're one of the top-ranking clubs around here?!" Clay turned his attention to Jax, nostrils flaring like an enraged bull. "We handle our own shit ourselves; we start asking other gangs for help, they think we're weak and they'll go for our throats." Clay growled, face beet red.

"The Niners are on our side." Pixie spoke up, moving to stand beside Jax, a united front. "We're forming an alliance with them, we were delivering guns to them, and if I'm not mistaken, I'm not the only one who's asked Laroy for a little help." Pixie spat her words, looking up at Clay with a challenging expression. Nobody needed to be reminded as to what Pixie was referring to, the failed ambush. Her words hung in the air like electricity before a lightning strike, which came in the form of Clay lunging for Pixie. Pixie knew it was coming and stepped out of the way, turning and landing a kick to Clay's ass to try and knock him down so he wouldn't go for her again. Tig and Chibs manhandled Clay before he had a chance to hit the cement or go for the kill, whilst Opie pinned Pixie against him, having done it so many times at this point, it was becoming a natural movement for him.

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