Heaven's Door

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When the Sons arrived back at the clubhouse, there was a sense of frantic energy amongst all of them as they came to terms with everything that had just unfolded over the evening. What should have been a night of unbounded celebrations, had been turned into a personal attack on their family, resulting in two hurt family members, and a potential war on the horizon. Juice parked up the van with Happy tailing them on his bike and they opened the doors to let the others out the back, going straight to tending to their family. Tig carried Pixie inside, holding her tightly as his protective streak came into play. For the second time today, Pixie had been shot at, and this time, she hadn't been lucky enough to come out unscathed. Even though he knew that if Pixie hadn't jumped and taken the shots for Gemma, those three bullets would have killed Gemma for sure, but it still worried him and scared him that Pixie had been hurt. Happy had relayed the night's events to him and the others in horrific detail, his eyes taking on a haunted look as described seeing it happen. This had shocked the Sons almost more than his words as Happy had never looked this way before, he had done some grisly things and seen sights that would drive a regular man to madness, but this attack had shaken him more than anything before. The second Tig set Pixie down on the church table, Happy was stuck to her side whilst Chibs and Juice began turning it into a makeshift hospital room once more.

"You good?" Happy rumbled, taking Pixie's hand in his and stroking her knuckles.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, Hap, this is nothin'." Pixie assured him. "Thanks for keeping me and Gem safe."

Happy shrugged. "I'd rather die than let you suffer."

"Me too, we make a good assassin team."

Happy felt his worries ease and he smiled. "We do. Might have to borrow you for some of my kill runs."

"Sure, then after we get bloody, we can go back to a motel and eat candy and watch 'The Flintstones'."

Happy chuckled at the suggestion. "Yabba dabba doo."

Pixie giggled. "Love you."

"Love you too, Lil' Maniac, I'm gonna go clean up the weapons, I'll put yours on the dresser."

"Thanks, Big Maniac, I'll come give you a hug when I'm all patched up, yeah?"

"Mmhm." Happy nodded, kissing Pixie's temple before he stood up, nodded to the other guys and left.

"Tiggy, can you keep an eye on Hap?" Pixie asked him as he stroked her back and kissed her cheek. "He's not okay."

"Sure, baby. I think seeing you and Gemma hurt shook him up real bad. I know it all got us good, Clay and Jax are tending to Gem now." Tig reassured her, giving Pixie a quick kiss to soothe her.

"Thank you, and I don't think I'll ever be able to unsee the image of Gemma bound up and terrified, so I can understand it. Can you give the taco meal in my backpack to Bobby too? The poor sod's probably wondering what happened."

Tig smiled at how concerned Pixie was for her family. "Will do, Bob's passed out on Jax's bed in the dorm, so I'll wake him up and give him his food once I've checked in with Hap."

"You're the best, Tiggy."

Tig smiled, blew Pixie a kiss and left, shutting the door behind him. He knew Pixie wouldn't rest tonight until her family had been seen to, he wouldn't either. But when they did finally get into bed with each other, he wanted to talk to her about tonight and feel her close to him, partly to soothe Pixie, but to also make him feel like his world wasn't imploding. 

"I'm gonna give Gem another check-up once I've got ye sorted, love." Chibs spoke up, now he and Juice hand got everything laid out and Juice had stuffed the packaged balls into the utility room's freezer for safekeeping.

Pixie, First Daughter of Anarchy: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now