Battling On

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WARNING: Contains mention of violence, blood, gore, and drugs.

Pixie and the Sons spent a little longer with the Mayans, getting to know the crew better and raising their spirits to further encourage them to sign the alliance in the evening. Pixie was pretty pleased to see this change with the Sons and Mayans. It would take a lot for them to be fully friendly with each other, especially with the bloody history they shared, but if they were able to make it through a round of drinks and a couple of games of pool without getting into hot water with each other, it was a definite start. Pixie spent more time with Jorge as promised, listening to him talk about his club ambitions and the customisations he wanted for his Harley Dyna when he saved up enough. He was currently riding a very old and very weathered Harley Super Glide which Pixie suspected to be the nineteen-eighties model and probably a cast-off from one of his uncles who both rode very bold variations of Harley Softails with chrome ape hangers and flashy tailpipes. Pixie wanted to further inspect the bikes but didn't want to push it with Alvarez, who was keeping her firmly in his sights as he chatted with Rane, so Pixie bookmarked that inquiry for later in the evening, deciding they had more important matters at hand. So, with that, Pixie gathered her troops and bid the Mayans a temporary farewell.

"I'll let you know what time to swing by the clubhouse to do the official signing, I'm gonna get the club's lawyer to put together official contracts so we all know exactly where we stand with each other." Pixie told Alvarez and Bishop in a friendly but authoritative tone whilst Jorge came over to reluctantly hug her goodbye.

Alvarez raised an eyebrow as he considered Pixie's words. "Illegal motorcycle gangs signin' legal contracts? Isn't that a little hypocritical?" He queried, with an intrigued smirk, trying to figure out Pixie's angle and how she did business. She was unlike anyone he'd ever dealt with, and it was hard for him to understand where Pixie was coming from.

Pixie nodded her head earnestly and shrugged. "Kinda, but I want everyone to feel like they're on the same page and know the terms of the alliance. That way, there's no misunderstandings or loopholes to be exploited. We can't exactly rock up to a courthouse and sue should one of us breach the contract, but we can come up with certain consequences to prevent any temptations to double-cross each other or do any other kind of shady shit." She elaborated, putting her hands into her back pockets, and studying Alvarez's face. The Mayan president still looked as though he had some reservations towards Pixie, which was to be expected. Pixie was well aware that she was nothing like the gang members and contacts Alvarez was used to working with, and so this unsettled him. She was closer in age to Jorge than to Jax and Alvarez couldn't help but view her as an inexperienced child, despite the bravery, gall, and confidence that Pixie had shown him. Pixie was certain that the second they were able to release Clay and Jax from prison, Alvarez would revert to dealing with them instead of her, and she was fine with that. Pixie wanted Jax to take the reins off of her as she wasn't ready to lead yet and she wanted him to succeed, this club was his legacy and Pixie viewed it as her duty to protect Jax so that he could fulfil it. If she could spend the rest of her life causing mayhem and mischief with her family, that was all Pixie wanted and needed.

"Makes sense." Bishop agreed, nodding his head, and taking a sip of his beer. He could see the brains behind Pixie's wild exterior and was looking forward to seeing how she would develop as there was an incredible amount of potential to Pixie. If she could bring three rival gangs into an alliance and twenty-two, there was no telling what she'd be capable of with a couple of decades more of experience. Bishop also liked how Pixie had taken to Jorge and had him firmly tucked under her wing. Jorge needed guidance and Bishop hoped Pixie might be able to do that for him, preferably before the young man ran in front of another loaded gun. "Where you off to now?" He added, seeing that Pixie clearly had more things to do and a hell of a lot more on her mind.

Pixie, First Daughter of Anarchy: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now