Twenty Six

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"I have a meeting, will you be okay here for a couple of hours?" Jared asked as I stood in the kitchen making some tea. I nodded, "yes of course, don't feel you need to rush back to us. Raf is coming today. We'll be quite occupied" I said turning to look at him. He had a frown on his face, "Charlie, you're not leaving, right?" he said warily. "I'd never leave without telling you" I answered. "That's not a no" he said. "I mean, we are leaving, we're not here to stay indefinitely" I said. "I want you both to stay, for a while" he said exhaling frustratedly. "We're just visiting Jared, it was never my intention to stay long. I have a home and family I want to get back to" I explained. "I'm Oli's family too" he said shortly. I nodded, "I know that, but this isn't his home" I pointed out. "I haven't got time or the inclination to argue with you. Just don't make any decisions without speaking with me first" he said bitterly. "Of course" I reassured him. He leaned in to kiss me on the cheek and strode out, he was angry I could tell. I was so conflicted, the last thing I wanted to do was go, but I knew things were just never going to work. And it was breaking my heart.

Jared's POV -
As I drove home, I found myself anxious to get there and see Charlotte and the baby. I was starting to feel a knot in my stomach at the thought of them leaving. There was a new car in the driveway amongst the others parked there. It must be Rafs I thought warily. I was not looking forward to seeing him. I walked in looking around for them, they were on the sofa in the large living room. Charlotte was lying back with her legs over his, while he was leaning in towards her. I felt a surge of jealously at their closeness. I stopped at the door, wondering what they were talking about. "I have to move, I can't stay with Charles. He's going to propose to Clara, they're going to need their space now" she said sighing. "Perfect, you can move in with me. You know I love you and I love and adore Oliver" I heard him say. My stomach dropped, I was holding my breath waiting for her to reply. "Thank you, I appreciate the offer. But, I need to find something permanent. I want to make a proper home for Oliver. A place we can call our own" she said quietly. I let out the breath I'd been holding and decided to make my entrance. "Ah welcome" I said sarcastically walking in. He sat back and raised an eyebrow, "well thank you, it's quite a cold sterile kind of place. Almost as though they had you in mind when they built it. I can see why you'd like it" he said with a smirk. "Thanks, I love it. It's unique, so yes in that sense it suits me perfectly" I replied. "Where's the baby?" I asked Charlotte. "He's having a nap, though he'll be waking up soon I think. I might go check on him" she replied moving her legs off him and standing up. Before I could offer to go she strode off quickly, clearly eager to leave the awkwardness in the room. "Are you here just to cause trouble?" I asked him baldly. He looked surprised. "Of course not. I'm here because she asked me to come" he said with a smile. "She's not leaving with you" I said curtly. "That decision is entirely up to her" he said standing up. I nodded slowly, not quite believing him. "He just woke up as I walked in" said Charlotte appearing with Oli in her arms. "Hello gorgeous boy, I've missed you" said Raf grinning at him, moving close to them. Oli was yawning, then smiled in recognition, but he made no move to go to him. "Come here buddy" I said reaching out for him, he leant over wanting me immediately. "I feel a little rejected" laughed Charlotte. I patted his back and kissed his forehead, my heart exploding at the love I felt for him. "He'll always want you. Do you see the way he looks at you when he's in your arms?" I said smiling at her. She smiled back at me warmly, nodding. We sat around having lunch, I mostly listened as they caught up. Ignoring the little barbs Raf would throw my way, preferring to keep my attention centered on Oli and Charlotte. "Charlie he needs to go down for a nap" I said after he started grizzling and rubbing his eyes. "I'll head off, I have a dinner engagement to get ready for" said Raf, "have you thought any more about when you'll leave?" he asked her hopefully. She frowned slightly biting her lip, "I'm not quite sure ...." she said trailing off. "Well, you just let me know if you'd like to go home together. I need to be in Paris next week, so I can wait until Friday" he said. She nodded, "thank you, uh, I'll walk you out" she said. "Goodbye Oli, see you soon" he said patting his back. "Well, goodbye. Thank you" he said stiffly. "See you" I said shortly, I walked off leaving them alone to say their goodbyes. As I walked past the open windows, I heard Charlottes raised voice and stopped briefly to eavesdrop, I was lucky they couldn't see me. She was chastising him! Her next words had me once again hoping that we'd be able to turn things around between us.

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